Tag ~russia

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Without proof is Huawei still a national security threat

Russian tech giant Yandex removes national borders from Maps app

Trump and Clinton spent 81M on US election Facebook ads Russian agency 46K

FITNIK Joint Venture Launches Operations to Open Up Russian 3D Printing Market in Aerospace Industry

Survey: Americans dont trust Big Tech or the government to prevent foreign election interference

Snapchat is growing faster than Facebook and Twitter

Daily Crunch: Elon Musk unveils threepronged strategy to fund his 43B Twitter purchase

Facebook is losing its grip as a Top 10 app as BeReal and TikTok grow

Facebook must change and policymakers must act on data warns UK watchdog

The US secretary of state was fired On Twitter

Instreamatic signs deals to allow people to talk to adverts on streaming services like an Alexa

Leverage red flags and a changing venture landscape

Its time to disrupt nuclear weapons

3D Printing News Briefs: April 17 2018

Telegram pledges to make anticensorship tools for Iran and China

Putin and Xis evolving disinformation playbooks pose new threats

House Democrats release more than 3500 Russian Facebook ads

Move fast and fix things: Why the social web needs to start thinking differently about its products

TechCrunch roundup: 3 views on EpicBandcamp deal SPAC letdown CIO sales strategy

Internet titans ask for flexibility with new election ad regulations

An inside look at a Ukrainian fintech startup adapting to life during wartime

Russia warns YouTube to stop antiRussian ads

CADEX Introduces Beta Version of CAD Exchanger Cloud 3D Software Service

S16 Angel Fund launches a community of founders to invest in other founders

6 reasons to invest in startups from Ukraine

Russian Amputee Uses 3D Printed Lever to Set New World Record in Deep Sea Diving

AdTech startup Tomi raises Seed funding to make real estate ads perform as well as ecommerce

Datastealing app found in Google Play downloaded thousands of times

Splyt wants to connect the worlds ridehailing apps for easy international roaming

3D Printing News Briefs: March 23 2018

Kaspersky to move some core infrastructure out of Russia to fight for trust

Daily Crunch: Wearable health tracker Oura has sold more than a million rings

Google pauses its ad sales in Russia Microsoft pauses sales

Russian rocket launches trio to space station two months after aborted trip

Panasonic says Canadian operations hit by targeted cyberattack

Juul inventors Myst lands funding as institutional investors turn to Chinas ecigs

Daily Crunch: Drone service Wing completes 200K commercial deliveries partners with supermarket chain

Daily Crunch: Overnight Russias invasion puts Ukrainian tech industry on a war footing

Crunch Report Facebook admits Russian meddling in Brexit

Reports: 126M Facebook users saw content from Russian agents around Election Day

You cant wash your hands of this Watch University of Washington computer science chair sound off on Facebook and Russia

How to watch Facebook and Twitters big hearings with Congress

Microsoft secretly seized domains used in COVID19themed email cyberattacks

As tech companies suspend sales in Russia what is the actual business impact

Ondemand grocery startup Food Rocket launches in the Bay Area goes up against delivery giants

Londons Jiffy scoops 28M for speedy grocery delivery

Will VC investment into Chinese startups slow as the countrys tech stocks shatter

Security flaws found in Samsungs stock mobile apps

TechCrunch roundup: VC bottom feeders valuation calculator think like an investor

The fintech funding market is not dead