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100 million Leta Capital wants to be a friend to Russiaspeaking founders everywhere

Microsoft launches Project Bonsai its new machine teaching service for building autonomous systems

WeWork employees used an alarmingly insecure printer password

PQShield raises 20M for its quantumready futureproof cryptographic security solutions

Nigerias CcHub acquires Kenyas iHub to create mega Africa incubator

Felicis Lux Capital and Upfront Ventures tackle TAM at Disrupt

Breaking Into Startups: Torch CEO and Well Clinic founder Cameron Yarbrough on mental health coaching

Gusto raises an extension round following Faire as unicorns react to a changing market

GoStudent Raises 340M Series D funding round as it pushes into international markets

Waymo suspends robotaxi service except for its truly driverless vehicles

Web3 artist Latash on educating creators about cryptos ebbs and flows

Investors discuss how labor shortage is shaking up the construction tech stack

A16Zbacked Tomorrow Health launches with 75M seed round to improve inhome healthcare

Put your city on the TC map TechCrunchs European Cities Survey 2021

The Knight Foundation launches 750000 initiative for immersive technology for the arts

UKs Oxford Quantum Circuits snaps up 47M for quantumcomputingasaservice

Microsoft gives 500 patents to startups

DIY Air Filtration System Improves Ultimaker S3 3D Printer Safety

Home diagnostics startup Everlywell is launching an athome coronavirus test sample kit

Fiddler Labs SRI and Berkeley experts open up the black box of machine learning at TC Sessions: RoboticsAI

Fantasy startup investing NFT platform Visionrare shuts down paid marketplace after a day in open beta

Adam Neumanns blockchainbased redemption story now sponsored by a16z

Propy a blockchainverified platform for selling houses raises funding from Tim Draper

Africa Roundup: Africas tech ecosystem responds to COVID19

For true transparency around political advertising US tech companies must collaborate

Reserve your demo table at TC Sessions: Robotics AI 2020

Cryptos cops get ready for an uneven war

Big Cartel staff are voluntarily recognized as the latest tech workers union

Win the TC Sessions: Climate student pitchoff and go to Disrupt 2022 on our dime

ZeroFox goes public in 14B SPAC deal

Multiverse the techfocused apprenticeship startup nabs 130M at an 875M valuation

Hacker exploits Harmony blockchain bridge loots 100M in crypto

Ultrapotent nanoparticle COVID19 vaccine with Univ of Wash roots gets 173M for human trials

VergeSense raises 12M Series B for its workplace analytics service

Mylk Guys wants to be the online vegan grocery store that nonvegans can love

Zavvy wants to modernize employee enablement

eAgronom closes 74M Series A to create a farmingbased carbon credits platform

UPS forms a new subsidiary for drone delivery and seeks FAA approval to fly

Announcing the agenda for TechCrunch Lives special Minneapolis event

Travel booking app Hopper upgrades its valuation to 5B on secondary sale

H2Oai raises 100M at a 16B premoney valuation for tools to make AI usable by any kind of enterprise

Nuula raises 120M to build out a financial services superapp aimed at SMBs

Superconductive creators of Great Expectations raises 40M to launch a commercial version of its open source data quality tool

Microsoft improves its AI translations with ZCode

Mark Cuban and Coinbase back Eternal an NFT marketplace for trading Twitch streamer clips

Tyson Ventures has invested in New Wave Foods a startup making a plantbased shrimp substitute

Scientists discover a new way to provide plants the nutrients they need to thrive

Al Gore puts 600M into UK Green energytech startup Octopus Energy Group

The Stanford connections behind Latin Americas multibilliondollar startup renaissance

Hackers abuse chaotic Nomad exploit to drain almost 200M in crypto