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New York Genome Center Researchers Create LowCost Open Source 3D Printed Device for SingleCell Analysis

Singaporebased D2C dental brand Zenyum raises 40M Series B from L Catterton Sequoia India and other investors

Experts from Front Mural and WorkBoard discuss how to manage a distributed workforce at Disrupt

Senators press Facebook for answers about why it cut off misinformation researchers

Healthcare by 2028 will be doctordirected patientowned and powered by visual technologies

Fronts Mathilde Collin and Murals Adriana Roche will discuss how to manage a distributed workforce at Disrupt

With new tech coming online cities need a department of urban testing

How a Swedish saxophonist built Kobalt the worlds next music unicorn

Startup Accelerator Singapore: Zenyum Star3D 3D Metal Forge

Medivis has launched its augmented reality platform for surgical planning

3D Printing Healthcare: 3DTalk New York Panel to Discuss Medical 3D Printing

Gift Guide: Leading VCs recommend their favorite reads from 2019

Equity Tuesday: Everyone is raising money at the same time

Join us June 17 for a live discussion on COVID19 contact tracing and safe reopening strategies

Submarines May Dive Deeper Thanks to a New Lightweight 3D Printable Syntactic Foam Filament

AntiCopying Technology for 3D Printing: A Survey

IP Security: Reverse Engineering to Test Vulnerability in 3D Printer Toolpaths