Tag ~messenger

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Smart TV hub Solaborate secures 10M Series A and a gotomarket partnership

Metas Messenger boss is leaving the company

Intercom announces the promotion of Karen Peacock to CEO

Meet the Texas startup that wants to decarbonize the chemical industry

Libra Facebooks global digital currency plan is fuzzy on privacy watchdogs warn

LOVE unveils a modern video messaging app with a business model that puts users in control

Twitter now lets you pin up to 6 DM conversations

Meta plans to roll out default endtoend encryption for Messenger by the end of the year

Startups net more than capital with NBA players as investors

TikTok parent Bytedance is reportedly working on its own smartphone

Facebook opens its Messenger API for Instagram to all businesses

Marc Lorebacked conversational commerce startup Wizard raises 50M Series A from NEA

Meta starts testing endtoend encryption for individual Messenger chats

App Annie: Global app stores consumer spend up 19 to 170B in 2021 downloads grew 5 to 230B

Lawmakers press Instagram for details on its plans for kids

Are Chatbots Right for Your Business

Vicariously mimics another persons Twitter feed using lists but it violates Twitter rules

Samsung responds to reviewer complaints about its Galaxy Fold phone

Facebook tiptoes into translation within Messenger

Europe says yes to messaging interoperability as it agrees on major new regime for Big Tech

Slack is coming to the Oculus Quest

Parler forms a new parent company to offer uncancelable cloud services

Bridgefy launches endtoend encrypted messaging for the app used during protests and disasters

Week in Review: Regulation boogaloo

Facebook denies it collects call and SMS data from phones without permission

Flip raises 4M to pounce on the growing sector of employee messaging

Facebooks top crypto executive David Marcus is leaving the company

Shape Security hits 1B valuation with 51M Series F

The consumer version of BBM is shutting down on May 31

Instagram test makes it easier to get product and service quotes from businesses

A fictional Facebook Portal videochat with Mark Zuckerberg

Meta says its metaverse biz lost another 3B but the 2030s will be exciting

Microsoft tweaks privacy policy to admit humans can listen to Skype Translator and Cortana audio

Ransomware technique uses your real passwords to trick you

Pure Bit a South Korean exchange pulls a 28 million exit scam

The 11 best startups from Y Combinators S19 Demo Day 1

US and European comms platform Infobip acquires VoIP provider Peerless Network for 200M

Facebook revamps its business tool lineup following threats to its ad targeting business

Facebook prototypes Messenger Broadcast for businesses

How Facebook made Messenger actually usable around the world from its office in Seattle

Jack Dorsey dials in on his dream job bitcoin missionary

The Future of Content Marketing: 3 Technology Trends to Watch in 2018

Moderna reports its COVID19 vaccine is 945 effective in first data from Phase 3 trial

Bancor takes on Crypto exchanges with wallet that converts across tokens

How to Use a Messenger Chatbot to Automate FAQs About Your Business

Nexkey raises 6M Series A round to make your companys doors smarter

TikTok tops 2 billion downloads

Mudges report helps Musks legal fight over 44B Twitter deal says there are millions of accounts that could be spam bots

Fleksys AI keyboard is getting a store to put mini apps at chatters fingertips

Leas live event assistant for Messenger makes buying tickets easier