Tag ~opinion

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ATT says repealing net neutrality and implementing paid prioritization are matters of safety

Losing Ian Goodfellow to DeepMind is the dumbest thing Apples ever done

Estate planning basics for founders and entrepreneurs

Trump administration wants racist AI for Extreme Vetting Initiative

Tech companies: Its time to show that Black lives really matter to you

US investment in smart roadways will pave the path to an economic boom

Rational regulation is key to US competitiveness in the fintech race

Restrictions on acquisitions would stifle the US startup ecosystem not rein in big tech

Dont let new hybrid workplaces keep the old systemic racism

Dear Sophie: How will this election nailbiter affect immigration

Tech companies: Stop conflating privilege with potential

Using personalized AI to end coronavirus lockdown is a stupid cruel idea

Why flatEarthers are a clear and present threat to an AIpowered society

Humans have been listening to our AItranscribed conversations for over a decade

A year later Google WiFi is still the best option for home internet

The piggyback problem

The intersection of small business tech and our financial system is more important than ever

Edited tweets is still a minefield but Twitters solution just might work

Global stakeholders should use AI to mitigate impact of heat islands in cities

Opinion: Its arrogant to assume humans will never imbue AI with consciousness

FCC chairman awarded gun from NRA for repealing net neutrality

Privacy is a commons

I was excited for Neuralink Then I watched Elon Musks stupid demo

Hug the Panda: No Thanks We Have Everything Already

To promote diversity rewire your broken corporate culture

The economics and tradeoffs of adfunded smart city tech

The innovation supply chain: How ideas traverse continents and transform economies

The Church of AI is dead so whats next for robots and religion

Its about time Alexa Google and Siri learn to play nice

The US infrastructure bill is a huge opportunity Lets not waste it

Majority of Europeans would replace government with AI oof theyre so wrong

The surprisingly boring road to selfdriving cars

5 reasons Amazon should build HQ2 in Puerto Rico

Facebook should actually be Tinder too

Zcash: life on the crypto roller coaster

The frontline of the abortion battle isnt in Alabama its online

To actually change the world Big Tech needs to grow up

The US should welcome refugees on humanitarian terms not just economic ones

How to leverage military experience to become a successful entrepreneur

Facebook staff demand Zuckerberg limit lies in political ads

Light is the key to longrange fully autonomous EVs

Why are we still using supergreenhouse gases in our home air conditioners

Newly legal 3Dprinted gun blueprints targeted by state lawsuits

We owe it to our kids to put an age limit on social media

Ring to make police video requests public as long as you give Amazon your data

All I want for Christmas: A custom username for each subreddit

Cultural accumulation vs cultural decay

Read the official FCC net neutrality repeal document and weep

An immodest proposal: its time for scooter superhighways

The new era of education is hightech and hightouch