Tag ~bacteria

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Beneficial Bacteria Global Market Share Size Trends and Growth Forecasts 2018 2025

3D Printing News Briefs March 16 2024: Partnerships Affordable Bioprinter More

Biocompatible 3D Printing Ink Developed with Living Bacteria May See Biotechnology and Medical Use

NASA Studying Antibacterial 3D Printing Filament For Use On Space Missions

From pond scum to premium skincare Deep Blue Biotech is all in on bluegreen algae to make better chemicals

Flubber 3D Printed Flink and RD Tax Credits

Pragma Bio is searching for cancer treatments hidden in our microbiome

3D Printing News Briefs: March 13 2020

Karius raises 165 million for its liquid biopsy technology identifying diseases with a blood draw

Karius raises 165 million for its liquid biopsy technology identifying diseases in a drop of blood

Researchers Create Bionic Mushroom with Graphene and 3D Printed Cyanobacteria

Biome Makers closes 4M to assess the quality of the gut bacteria of a farms soil

MIT Researchers 3D Printed Living Tattoo Lights Up with Responsive Cells

Creating Living Materials Using Bacteria and 3D Printing

OXMANs 3D Printed ZeroWaste Biodegradable O Shoes Produce No Microplastics

Aalto University Researchers Study Biofabrication of Nanocellulosic 3D Structures

Delft Researchers 3D Printing with Electron Beam Induced Deposition for Antibacterial Surfaces

Canadian Startup is Turning Food Waste into Biodegradable Plastic 3D Printing Filament

Daring AM: The Future of Pathogen Detection is 3D Printed

As researchers pursue links between bacteria and human health startups stand to benefit

Persephone puts poop to work to explore and heal your gut microbiome

Startup ID Genomics launches nonprofit ARMADA to fight deadly antibioticresistant infections

3D Printed PEKK Structures Shown to Offer Superior Antibacterial Properties for Orthopedic Implants in Comparison Study with PEEK

IBM Research develops new macromolecule that could counter antibiotic resistance

Sequoiabacked Whole Biome wants to heal your gut with medicalgrade probiotics

Interview with Elizabeth Rogers of Kuunda 3D and Daniel Martinez of Copper 3D on Copper 3D Antimicrobial 3D Printing

uBiome launches an athome womens health test for HPV STIs and bacterial vaginosis

Natural PlantDerived Resins Used to Make Antibacterial 3D Printing Filament