Tag ~conferencing

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CADchat Introduces Digital Workspaces Video Conferencing for CAD

Headroom which uses AI to supercharge videoconferencing raises 5M

AIpowered videoconferencing platform Headroom raises 9M

Muzmatch adds 7M to swipe right on Muslim majority markets

Productivity startup Time is Ltd raises 56M to be the Google Analytics for company time

Meet your new chief of staff: An AI chatbot

Attract engage and retain employees in the new remotework era

Cisco acquiring BabbleLabs to filter out the lawn mower screeching during your video conference

A Norwegian school quit using video calls after a naked man guessed the meeting link

Meet the b2b videoconferencing startup thats gone crazy for online dating

Startups Weekly: Zoom CEO says its stock price is too high

Zoom increases IPO price range ahead of Thursday listing

WJR Business Beat with Jeff Sloan: Zoom Episode 20

AnyRoad helps brands measure customer experiences

Apple has pushed a silent Mac update to remove hidden Zoom web server

Use a scalpel when cutting startup expenses not an axe

Cosmos Video a Club Penguin for adults to socialise and work raises 26M from LocalGlobe

Verizons BlueJeans acquisition is about more than the workfromhome trend

Daily Crunch: Tata Group releases super app that bundles 11 consumer services

CommonGround raises 19M to rethink online communication

Smart TV hub Solaborate secures 10M Series A and a gotomarket partnership

How to Keep Your Virtual Team Engaged

Google cancels half the projects at its internal RD group Area 120

Zoom launches 100M Zoom Apps investment fund

Hubilo picks up 125M to double down on building a more engaging platform for virtual and live events

3 best practices that will maximize the value of your online events

mmhmm Phil Libins new startup acquires Memix to add enhanced filters to its video presentation toolkit

Otterais newest feature offers live interactive transcripts of your Zoom meetings

Virtual meeting platform Vowel raises 135M aims to cure meeting fatigue

EventMobi acquires a16zbacked virtual events platform Run The World

6 investment trends that could emerge from the COVID19 pandemic

MG Siegler talks portfolio management and fundraising 6 months into the COVID19 pandemic

What does a pandemic say about the tech weve built

Taptap Send raises 65M to build crossborder remittances focused on the most underserved markets

Kaptivo looks to digitally transform the lowly whiteboard

GoPro to license camera lenses and sensors to third party manufacturers

Otterais new assistant can automatically transcribe your Zoom meetings

Could Claap an asynchronous video meetings platform end the tyranny of Zoom calls

Apples new T2 security chip will prevent hackers from eavesdropping on your microphone

How to create the best athome videoconferencing setup for every budget

Remote work and events startup twine acquires YCbacked Glimpse to launch on Zoom

AIpowered transcription service Otterai can now record from Google Meet

Logitech is reportedly offering 22 billion to bring Plantronics headsets into its hardware empire

Video Conferencing Market Dynamic Business Environment during 2017 2025

Deci snaps up 21M for tech to build better AI models based on available data and compute power

How Facebook does IT

Intel doubles down on hybrid chip architecture unveils 28 new 12thgen Intel Core mobile processors and 22 desktop processors

Zoom announces first startups receiving funding from 100M investment fund

Origin wants to make accessible physical therapy womens new normal

Switchboard creates virtual rooms to foster better collaboration