Tag ~valley

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Why the startup sector should keep its eye on the SEC

Passbase is building a full stack identity engine with privacy baked in

BRB storing my money in gold: Founders scramble to figure out which banks are safe

Fresh tickets and New VC partners for the TechCrunch Winter Party

TLDR: Amazon ends warehouse worker bonuses stock awards

While tech waffles on going public biotech IPOs boom

Crunch Report SoftBank Vision Fund Sequels

Armed with 160M in funding LatAms Merama enters the ecommerce land grab

Crunch Report Googles Big Ol Hardware Day

Figure raises 75M to help startup employees better understand their compensation

Silicon Valley Banks depositors will be fully protected according to the Federal Reserve

Via is launching an ondemand public transit network in the city of Cupertino

Two worthy books trace the history of tech through Silicon Valley leaving Seattles story still to be told

Scaling startups are setting up secondary hubs in these cities

Grasshoppers Judith Erwin leaps into innovation banking

Crunch Report Cyber Monday Results

Should Mark Zuckerberg be scared of Peter Thiel

Fast Growing Tech Companies Find a New Home in the Rocky Mountains

Metas NPE team takes a global focus with seedstage investments offices in emerging markets

What does the collapse of SVB mean for venture debt

We tested the Bay Areas knowledge of Seattle tech with some predictable and surprising results

Crunch Report Amazons New Cloud Cam and Key

AltSchool wants to change how kids learn but fears have surfaced that its failing students

Crunch Report A Telegram ICO Would Be Huge

Crunch Report Twitter Bans Two Russian Companies from Advertising

UK tech ecosystem reacts to the news of SVB UK acquisition by HSBC

Crunch Report Amazon reveals 20 finalists for second HQ

Water quality and distribution monitoring software Ketos raises 18 million

Startups are transforming global trade in the COVID19 era

Crunch Report Twitter tests a new tweetstorm feature and Tesla unveils a semi truck

What the flying heck happened to SVB

Why You Should Start a Business to Solve a Common Problem

Fintech startup Brex was among the bidders for SVBs earlystage and growth portfolios

WestRiver Group will sell debt investment business to SVB Financial Group

YSU Research Foundation Partners with Israeli Tech Startup to Combine AI and 3D Printing Technology

Redfins Glenn Kelman predicts a mass tech exodus from coastal cities

Crunch Report Lyft Raises 1 Billion

Special Report: New Yorks enterprise infrastructure ecosystem

Remaking Egypt: The Resurrection of the Tomb of Seti I Through 3D Scanning and 3D Printing

Crunch Report Magic Leap Finally Unveils Its Headset

RIOS comes out of stealth to announce 5M in funding for industryagnostic robotics

I cant believe its not meat Mycelium meat replacement company aims for summer launch of first products

Which type of funding is actually best for your business

Lucid Lane has developed a service to get patients off of pain meds and avoid dependence

AML3D Expands into Utilities with Sale of Metal 3D Printer to the Tennessee Valley Authority

Crunch Report Ethereum Hits 1000 a Coin

Silicon Valley Bank collapse is impacting many Indian startups

Crunch Report Delphi Buys Nutonomy for 400 Million

SVB Financial files for Ch 11 bankruptcy protection says it has 22B in liquidity

The future of car ownership: Carsasaservice