Tag ~planets

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SETI and other alienhunting strategies are dealing with new tools and new troubles

Crunch Report This Black Friday could be the biggest ever for mobile and we found a new planet

Exoplanet climate analysis pinpoints best place to live in TRAPPIST1 star system

PlanetScale raises 50M Series C as its enterprise database service hits general availability

Kepler achieves a world first for satellite broadband with 100Mbps connection to the Arctic

Farout Astronomers identify the most distant known object in our solar system

Experts urge NASA to build huge new space telescope to look at alien Earths

NASA unveils first science images from TESS probes quest to spot alien planets

Our solar system has met its match: AI helps scientists find a stars eighth planet

EdTech Startup PlanetSpark raises seed funding of Rs 16 crore from education firm FIITJEE

PlanetScale expands its database service with builtin performance monitoring and more

Far out Xplore teams up with JPL and Aerospace Corp on gravitylens telescope

What is a planet Historical study revisits the debate over Pluto and other dwarfs

Our solar system has met its match as Google AI helps find 8th planet circling Kepler90 star

Kepler achieves a worldfirst for satellite broadband with 100Mbps connection to the Arctic

Andreessen pours 22M into PlanetScales databaseasaservice