Tag ~mysql

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Microsoft launches deeper integrations between its data products

Render secures 20M Series A to scale its DevOps cloud platform

Extra Crunch roundup: Think like a VC CockroachDB EC1 handle your stock options

Yat thinks emoji identities can be a thing and it has 20M in sales to back it up

This Week in Apps: Period tracking app privacy Snapchats paid subscription calls for TikTok ban

Prisma raises 40M for its open source Rosetta stone for database languages

MariaDB acquires Clusterix

PopSQL raises a 34M seed round for its collaborative SQL editor

They scaled YouTube Now theyll shard everyone with PlanetScale

Realtime database platform SingleStore raises 80M more now at a 940M valuation

Yugabyte stores up 188M more for its opensource distributed SQL database model now valued at 13B

PopSQL raises 34M seed round for its collaborative SQL editor

European Investment Fund puts 30M in Fabric Ventures new 130M digital assets fund

Hasura raises 25 million Series B and adds MySQL support to its GraphQL service

European Investment Fund puts 30M in Fabric Ventures new 120M digital assets fund

The CockroachDB EC1

CockroachDB the database that just wont die

This is the beginning of the unbundled database era

PingCAP the opensource developer behind TiDB closes 270 million Series D

MariaDB acquires Clustrix

Scaling CockroachDB in the red ocean of relational databases

PlanetScale expands its database service with builtin performance monitoring and more

Ethyca raises 75M open sources Fides for developers to build privacy tools directly into their codebases

Track MySQL Metrics For Free With Telemetricio

Developers as you know do not like to pay for things