Tag ~roman

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Clearco cofounder Michele Romanow steps down cuts 30 of staff

More venture funds are betting on Central and Eastern Europe

Clearbanc rebrands its way into a unicorn

Clearco gets the SoftBank stamp of approval in new 215M round

WeMatter Atmosphere Module Improves SLS 3D Printing

HighLevel or HandsOn How Smart Entrepreneurs Strike a Balance

Keeps parent company Thirty Madison raises 15 million to fight male pattern baldness

Tech Moves: The Riveters Amy Nelson to lead new SaksWorks venture Funkos leadership transition

Daily Crunch: In latest earnings release Twitter admits to miscounting users for the second time

Why are revenuebased VCs investing in so many women and underrepresented founders

Calling Bucharest VCs: Be featured in The Great TechCrunch Survey of European VC

This Ukrainian deep tech startup has trained an AI to paint war art

Romanian marketing expert Robert Katai explains how to get the most out of your content

On demand mental health service provider Ginger raises 50 million

Clearbanc cuts staff to navigate longterm economic impacts of COVID19

Truphone says Russian tycoon Abramovich sanctioned in the UK does not have a relevant interest that impacts Truphone stake

Israels startup ecosystem powers ahead amid a year of change

Clearco cuts 25 of staff considers strategic options for international operations

As our populations age this startup is turning livein care into a gigeconomy platform

Bootstrapping in 2021 goes a long way

German identity verifier IDnow acquires Frances ARIADNEXT for 59 million hits MA road

The money is still there says APX managing director Jrg Rheinboldt

Fastchanging regulations give virtual care startups a chance to seize the moment

This startup bagged 6M to show you which promotions bring ROI and which dont

Startups Weekly: US companies raised 30B in Q1 2019

Google has quietly added DuckDuckGo as a search engine option for Chrome users in 60 markets

3D Printing Brings Modena Cathedral to Fingertips of Visually Impaired

Clearco cofounder Andrew DSouza steps back as Michele Romanow assumes CEO role

This Ukrainian deeptech startup has trained an AI to paint war art

Sequoia debuts Arc a LondonSV program to find and mentor outlier startups backing each with 1M

ePharmacy Ro launches docapproved WebMD rival Health Guide

Bannersnack makes it easy to punch the monkey and more

Audible unveils romance audiobook service including a feature to jump to the good parts

Its pivot season for earlystage startups

As VCs pull back Clearbanc launches a way for startups to get runway

Google cancels half the projects at its internal RD group Area 120

Roman is a cloud pharmacy for erectile dysfunction

Clearbanc plans to disrupt venture capital with The 20Min Term Sheet

Micromanipulators Market Size Share Trend Key Manufacturer Eppendorf AG Narishige Co Ltd Research Instruments Ltd Sutter Instruments Sensapex

Tech startups want to destigmatize sex

ESA Funds Horizon Microtechnologies Metallized 3D Printed Electronics Parts

GuestReady a service for Airbnb hosts doubles down on Europe with another acquisition

Erectile pharmacy app Roman raises 88M to launch quit smoking kit

Ondemand mental health service provider Ginger raises 50 million

How a Romanian MedTech startup helped US doctors treat refugee Ukrainian cancer patients

iPharmacy Roman fights stigmas with premature ejaculation meds

This DNAdriven dating startup says love is in the air and theyll help you sniff it out

10 immigration tips for lovestruck tech workers

Why and when startups should look to diverse sources of capital

FlowXai raises 35M for its AIbased approach to application integration