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Kaszek YC back DolarApps mission to dollarize Latin Americas finances with crypto

How one founder aims to bring researchers and food producers together around cultured meat

Olis Robotics and Tethers Unlimited join forces on remotecontrolled space robots

Daily Crunch: Ring wants to upgrade your apartments intercom system

What gives you hope Inspiration from scientists entrepreneurs and innovators as anxious public awaits historic election results

Klarna takes on banking with new savings cashback offerings

NASA signs off on historic SpaceX crewed launch leaving weather as final uncertainty

Paritys Jutta Steiner says the future of blockchain is many chains working together

Renishaw Works With University Hospital of Wales to 3D Print Guides Mandibular Implant for Cancer Patient

ASTM Adds New Metal 3D Printing Standards Additive Manufacturing Center of Excellence Partner

The DOJ is investigating Visas 53 billion bid for Plaid on antitrust grounds

Hyundais electric air taxi startup Supernal is moving its HQ from DC to California

Researchers Use 3D Mapping to Measure Growth and Folding Patterns in PreTerm Babies Brains

Purdue Researchers Create Mini Shockwave with Custom Inkjet 3D Printer and Energetic Materials

NASA taps startup Axiom Space for the first habitable commercial module for the Space Station

TLDR: New study says Uber drivers are earning less

3D Printing for Water Treatment: Ceramic Lattices to Combat Forever Chemicals

Daily Crunch: Larry Ellison leads investor group chipping in 71B toward Musks Twitter buyout

Klarna CEO says maybe of taking public Europes most valuable fintech next year but hes not ruling out another round either

TU Wien Researchers Use 3D Printed Plastic Screens to Perfectly Shape Terahertz Beams

Medical PeerExternal Physician Review Services Market 202128 surge promising growth with The Greeley Company LLCAllMed Healthcare Management Inc

Dataminr helped police surveil BLM protestors using their tweets

Failing up: Former Amazon engineers land 18M to help companies find weak spots in their apps

Johnson Johnsons COVID19 vaccine is 85 effective against severe cases and 66 effective overall per trial data

With 50M in fresh funding Allbirds will open new stores in the US UK and Asia

Researchers Compare Human Cadavers and 3D Printed Anatomical Models to Determine Print Accuracy

Where is Y Combinator startuphunting in 2022

4year founder vesting is dead

Port is building internal tool hubs for devs

Nanoracks and Gitai team up for second space robotics demo aboard the ISS

4 tech trends from the Seattle International Auto Show and why selfdriving cars arent one

Ubers IPO may not be as eyepopping as we expected

Backflip Raises 30M for Textto3D Print Software

Europe will push to work with the US on tech governance postTrump

The startup community must defend meritbased immigration

Flagship Pioneerings new venture is betting on tRNA to treat thousands of diseases

Biodigital Architecture: FELIXprinters and iBAGUIC to Test Living Biomaterials for Sustainable Architecture

8 investors discuss fintechs potential despite the market downturn

Free Agency CEO seems to care more about control than the company former employees say

Shellworks wants to crack makeups singleuse plastic problem

3D Printing News Briefs: January 16 2020

Marktomarket to arrive at a realistic valuation and improve your fundraising odds

Virginia Tech Researchers Develop New Microscale Multimaterial 3D Printing Method

Kaseya hack floods hundreds of companies with ransomware

Global Induction Furnace Market 2018 Key Players Share Trends Sales Segmentation and Forecast to 2025 : WiseGuyReports

Researchers Investigating the Use of Blockchain to Increase Efficiency in the 3D Printing Industry

Hybrid MetaBiomaterials Used to Make Better LongerLasting 3D Printed Hip Implants

Meati Foods sinks teeth into 150M to expand its mushroomroot meat operations

No GoogleFitbit merger without human rights remedies says Amnesty to EU

Being the steady hand in market uncertainty with Sebastian Siemiatkowski from Klarna