Tag ~ec enterprise applications

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Rethinking Databricks valuation amid a changing market

Amplitudes CEO feels his company would be in a world of hurt if it hadnt gone public in 2021

What is this revenue growth for ants

For startups the message is clear: Grow fast or die

What downturn Investors remain bullish on HR tech as the Great Resignation slows

Is the modern data stack just old wine in a new bottle

Surviving the SaaS tsunami: Optimize your tech stack to reduce risk and free up cash flow

Crafting a XaaS customer success strategy that drives growth

SaaS is still open for business but its going to take longer to buy and sell

Productled growth and signal substitution syndrome: Bringing it all together

How to turn an open source project into a profitable business

How Pilot convinced Index Ventures to think longterm about margins

Jeff Lawsons legacy at Twilio is about more than a few rough quarters

New Relics sale tells us much about the value of middling growth today

Growing up enterprise for SaaS startups: 7 lessons on doing it right

SaaS needs to take a page out of the crypto playbook

Capturing spread is a powerful but less understood business model available for some startups

Canopy Servicings 152M Series A1 shows fintech startups that raised in 2021 can still get money

As UiPath closes above its final private valuation CFO Ashim Gupta discusses his companys path to market

4 SaaS engagement metrics that attract investors

What Canva CEO Melanie Perkins looks for in a potential acquisition

Confluents IPO brings a highgrowth highburn SaaS model to the public markets

Developers as you know do not like to pay for things

About that Deel ARR number

Dont hate on lowcode and nocode

As Apple reaches 3T its time to shake up the Big Tech club

4 analysts break down Bret Taylors pretty sweet week

Productled growth is propelling a wave of sales tools startups

How a band of P2P hackers planted the seeds of a unique expense management giant

VCs are betting big on Kubernetes: Here are 5 reasons why

5 emerging use cases for productivity infrastructure in 2021

After a decade Congress might finally bring 911 into the internet age

WeaveGrid gets 35M Series B to help electrical grid cope with coming wave of EVs

Flipping the sales script: How to break biases and diversify sales teams

Usagebased pricing is a companywide effort

After the FigmaAdobe deal which design startups are acquisition targets

Mastering the B2C2B game: 6 lessons to learn before you launch

Dispense with the chasm No way

Can the tech IPO market keep up its positive momentum

Will the power of data in the AI era leave startups at a disadvantage

No money for shelfware

Tech companies are finding their profitability groove

How one software company is beating the SaaS growth blues

Software subscriptions are eating the world: Solving billing and cash flow woes simultaneously

Avoid 3 common sales mistakes startups make during a downturn

Building a lean B2B startup growth stack

Why theres no clear winning pricing strategy in B2B SaaS

6 technologists discuss how nocode tools are changing software development

How Calendly is building a platform by turning scheduling into a centerstage event

Pandemicfueled companies are finding the new reality hard to swallow