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Ghanaian fintech Dash raises 328M seed to build connected wallets for Africans

Moda Operandi an online marketplace for highend fashion raises 100M led by NEA and Apax

The number of investments an individual has made is overall

The SEEON180 backpack: A hightech friend that has your back

3D Printing News Briefs: May 15 2018

Easily Organize and Access Your Apps and Links with Desktopcom

Microsurgery Market 2018 expecting a sound growth at a CAGR of 102 Renowned Players like AROSurgical Instruments tisurg medical instruments etc by 2023 Avail at MarketReseacrhFuturecom

Today on GeekWire: Modular smart housing Galaxy Note10 and understanding the differences between big companies and startups

With Topic you can write better content faster

Building the future for independent workers with Abound

Win Back Your Ecommerce Revenue Automatically With ChargeSentry

Watching TV Just Got a Whole Lot Better

Build a Lasting Digital Impression with Labinator

Stack Modernizes Internet Browsing for Easy Multitasking

Medaltvs clipping service allows gamers to share the moments of their digital lives

Keep your development process running smoothly with Swimms autosyncing documents

GoDaddy acquires Sellbrite to launch crossmarketplace tools

ContractPodAi scores 55M for its AIpowered contract management software

Africa turns to mobile payments as a tool to curb COVID19

China Roundup: A blow to USlisted Chinese firms and TikToks new global face

Easily Buy or Sell Used Office Furniture With Clear Office

Jitbit Helpdesk Is The Quick And Easy Approach To Helpdesk Software For Startups

Unique savings maximizer lets you sell coupons you cant use

Poker is Becoming a Team Sport with Team Poker

In travel tech 4 rivals merge in Europe to form Altido for property management of Airbnbstyle homes

Twindom and Kodak Introduce Full Body 3D Scanner Together at CES 2018

WJR Business Beat with Jeff Sloan: Online Purchasing is Here to Stay Episode 107

Devmate automates unit tests for faster easier software development

A Living Breathing Model of the Commercial Financial World

Open a Business Checking Account in Minutes with NorthOne

2017: The Year in 3D Printers

Making Sense out of Mobile Gaming

Uh oh European carriers are trying to get into personalized ad targeting

Crunch Report Jimmy Iovine is not leaving Apple

Mission Control for Your Money

Build Things People Want with Scoops

Edge VoiceAI for Children

Softbank leads a 120 million round for insurance startup Lemonade

Increff How This Startup Curated Solutions Unique to the Retail Industry

Business Integration Platform Adeptia Provides More Efficient Way To Manage Customer Data Exchange

Quonference Offers WebBased Video Conferencing With a Focus on Security

Author Ryan Holiday on the nature of worldaltering success

Make your workouts more unique and more social with Steppen: the brandnew social fitness app

Meet BizzyWall: The Personalized HandsOn Digital Sensory Wall for Kids

Modash is flipping the influencer marketing script by connecting brands with the long tail of creators

Revitalize Offers Innovative Way to Soothe Tired Eyes and Reenergize a Tired Mind

Veego Helps Internet Service Providers Improve The Customer Experience

Abovo42 Social Email: Publish And Share Content Online By Sending An Email

Former Stitch Fix COO Julie Bornstein is rewriting the ecommerce playbook

Teamgate Sales CRM Has The Strength To Power Your Success