Tag ~intellectual property

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Velo3D Cuts More Jobs Amid Financial Struggles and Potential Board Maneuvering

Titomic Licenses Two CSIRO Patents for 3D Printing Titanium Piping Signs Acquisition Agreement with FTT

Identifying and Protecting Trade Secrets for Young Companies

Microsoft vows to cede patent rights to customers for jointly developed technology

Lot the bigtech antipatenttroll group launches Adapt to tackle inclusion in the world of IP

Failures are valuable IP: Protect your startups negative trade secrets

What I learned the hard way from naming 30 startups

3D Printing: A Technology of Degrowth Part 2

An AI for art: Copyright considerations for artificial intelligence

Wake Forest: In Situ 3D Printing of Tailored Skin Grafts a Possible Step Forward in Tissue Engineering

How to protect your IP during fundraising so you dont get ripped off

Blockchain Applications for Startups and Entrepreneurs

What President Trump Doesnt Know About ZTE

Beat the clock: 6 smart ways startups can use lawyers effectively

3D Printing News Briefs February 24 2024: LargeFormat Metal AM Personalized Medicine More

Conflicts in Californias trade secret laws on customer lists create uncertainty

Googles loss to Sonos settles it: Big Tech has an IP piracy problem

Update: Velo3D Enters Forbearance Agreement as Debt Challenges Intensify

Googles Gradient backs Patlytics to help companies protect their intellectual property

IP Security: Reverse Engineering to Test Vulnerability in 3D Printer Toolpaths

3D Printing Medical Models Intellectual Property and the FDA: Expert Gathering at Additive Manufacturing Strategies Summit

What Do Software Startup Unicorns Like OneStream and StockX Have in Common

Building a Strong IP Foundation for Your Startup: Why Early IP Consultation Matters

Shark Tank: A Case Study in Patent Protection for Startups

3D Printing News Briefs February 1 2025: Patent Infringement Aligner Attachments More

Trademarking Your Startup: Claiming What Is Yours

IP strategy: How should startups decide whether to file patents

Copy that: RightHub wants to be the command center for intellectual property management

Metal 3D Printing News: Aurora Labs Signs Binding Term Sheet with WorleyParsons

IPRally a patent search engine powered by explainable AI raises 108M

In an increasingly hot biotech market protecting IP is key

Where should USbased startups file their patent applications

Growing Awareness of Companies to Protect their Rights Spikes Demand A Survey

5 Intellectual Property Considerations Startups Oftentimes Overlook

Stratasys vs Bambu Lab: A 3D Printing Patent Dispute with FarReaching Implications

Can an AI be properly considered an inventor

GeekWire Calendar Picks: Witchcraft and neuropsychology Jet City Comic Show and more

F5 Networks secures NGNIX software builds as precaution after visit from Russian law enforcement

Senators King and Collins Advocate 3D Printing Adoption for Department of Defense

Kobalts edge in changing the music industry

Developing a New Product Get an Outsiders Opinion First

All my apes gone: Legal disputes at the intersection of IP and NFTs

The US government is digging into NFTs impact on intellectual property

10 Tips for Landing a Product Licensing Deal

TechCrunch roundup: Space tech predictions startup IP strategy finding feasible funding

Leaving for a competitor Onboarding new employees Avoid accusations of trade secret theft

Green Ship of the Future Consortium Explores Maritime 3D Printing and IP

7 Common NonDisclosure Contract Mistakes Startups Make

Redfin cofounder sues company for alleged patent infringement over 3D home tour technology

The US Patent and Trademark Office should act now to catalyze innovation