Tag ~facial recognition

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Amazon bans police use of its Rekognition facial recognition software for one year amid protests

Keeping artificial intelligence accountable to humans

Police body camera maker Axon bans facial recognition tech over serious concerns about bias

Portland Maine passes referendum banning facial surveillance

Cyber Security Firm Uses a 3D Printed Mask to Fool iPhone Xs Facial Recognition Software

Data experts on Facebooks GDPR changes: Expect lawsuits

Cybersecurity startup SpiderSilk raises 225M to help prevent data breaches

Washington state wants to regulate artificial intelligence as Microsoft lobbies for new rules

Advertima rings up 175M for computer visionpowered behavioral analytics for instore retail

Portland passes nations strongest facial recognition ban for government and businesses

ACLU calls for a moratorium on government use of facial recognition technologies

What Entrepreneurs Need to Know About Facial Recognition Technology

Microsoft pitched its facial recognition tech to the DEA new emails show

Facebook is weaponizing security to erode privacy

Think fast this system watches you answer questions to make sure youre human

Facebook could face billions in potential damages as court rules facial recognition lawsuit can proceed

Portland passes expansive city ban on facial recognition tech

Ban biometric surveillance in public to safeguard rights urge EU bodies

Alibababacked facial recognition startup Megvii raises 750 million

Signals Meredith Whittaker: AI is fundamentally a surveillance technology

Shareholders ACLU urge Amazon to stop selling facial recognition software to police ahead of event at tech giants HQ

As facial recognition technology becomes pervasive Microsoft yes Microsoft issues a call for regulation

UK school reprimanded for unlawful use of facial recognition technology

Facial Recognition Market Detailed Overview of the Competitive Landscape by 2025

Passbase grabs 36M to power privacypreserving online ID checks

Maines facial recognition law shows bipartisan support for protecting privacy

Companies tracking mutations in cancer cells can provide a key to unlocking better therapies

ACLU of Washington: Port of Seattles facial recognition tech ban misleading inadequate

Massachusetts lawmakers vote to pass a statewide police ban on facial recognition

Amazon takes heat from senator over Rings troubling relationship with police

TLDR: MLB commentary with robots flying cars facial recognition in schools

Lawsuits allege Microsoft Amazon and Google violated Illinois facial recognition privacy law

Vuzix smart glasses get automatic facial recognition designed for law enforcement

Rana el Kaliouby and Alexei Efroswill be speaking at TC Sessions: Robotics AI April 18 at UC Berkeley

Microsofts Brad Smith says company will not sell facial recognition tech to police

EUs data protection adviser latest to call for ban on tracking ads

Microsofts facial recognition just got better at identifying people with dark skin

Daily Crunch: Stocks plummet after travel ban

Rana el Kaliouby and Alexei Efros will be speaking at TC Sessions: Robotics AI April 18 at UC Berkeley

IoT solutions are enabling physical distancing

Is Amazons facial recognition moratorium a victory for police reformers or just good PR

Samsung Galaxy S10 leak shows headphone jack dual holepunch camera

Artificial intelligence can contribute to a safer world

Flaws in Amadeus airline booking system made it easy for hackers to change passenger records

Week In Geek Podcast: Facial recognition enters grade schools and Bird scooters landing in Seattle

Portland mayor says exceptions can be made for potential widespread facial recognition ban

What KaiFu Leebacked AInnovation tells us about Chinas smart manufacturing

Just like IRL the metaverse requires infrastructure We dont have it yet

Forbes Fools Four Android Smartphones with 3D Printed Head Model but Not Apples iPhone X

Microsoft calls for government regulation of facial recognition technology