Tag ~etoro

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Torq raises 50M Series B for its nocode security automation platform

Cryptocurrency and a stock market boom pushes TradingView to 37 million in new funding

Investment platform eToro acquires crypto portfolio tracker app Delta

Attest raises 60M to expand its nocode approach to researchsurveysasaservice which taps 110M consumers in 49 countries

Bored Apes NFT project gets official ApeCoin token

Crypto infrastructure company Fireblocks nearly quadruples valuation to 8B in six months

Twitter partners with eToro to show realtime stock and crypto information

Super Bowl ads boosted crypto app downloads by 279 led by Coinbase

Trading platform eToro said to be eyeing 5B US IPO in 2025

Social investment platform eToro acquires smart contract startup Firmo

Investment clubs are cool again and maybe community is too

Social investment platform eToro to acquire fintech startup Gatsby for 50M

Crypto infra startup Fireblocks raises 310M triples valuation to 22B

Robinhoods sinking value is proof that free can often be very costly

eToro secures 250M at a 35B valuation after scrapping SPAC seeing slower growth

European founders look to new markets aim for profitability

Weirdo Fintech VC Anthemis marches to its own drummer

eToro bringing crypto trading and wallet to the US

Rounds that matter: Fintechs fortunes DAO dreams Asias reseller revival