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Smartsheet CEO to share startup tips and leadership lessons at new GeekWire event series for entrepreneurs

New tech lets robots feel their environment

New Bluetooth attack can remotely unlock Tesla vehicles and smart locks

Plantish fishes for restaurant partners to try plantbased salmon filets

Week in Review: Regulation boogaloo

Rutgers Engineers Develop 4D Printing Method for ShapeShifting Hydrogels

Deep data running wearable NURVV closes 9M Series A led by Hiro Capital

Digging deeper into smart speakers reveals two clear paths

This is Your Life in Silicon Valley: Former Pinterest President Moment CEO Tim Kendall on Smartphone Addiction

Guesty books 170M to double down on property management tools for Airbnb and other rental platforms

Pixalate tunes into 181M for fraud prevention in television mobile advertising

Most Effective Ways to Enhance Your Business with AI

Armed with 195M LiveEO plots a big data course between satellite geospatial information and industry

3D Printing News Briefs June 26 2021: TU Braunschweig Desktop Health 9T Labs Alfa Romeo AM Solutions Alquist Virginia Tech Creaform USAF

Ring ring ring ring Solanaphone

Samsungs SmartThings to introduce AI features that simplify your daily routines

University of Washington researchers develop app to reduce clashes between cars and pedestrians

Workrise fixes API that spilled users personal information

Smart lighting startup Deako raises 4M unveils plug and play lighting system for homebuilders

Renishaw Case Study: Benefits of Smart Implants with Sensor and 3D Printing Technologies

OneTrust raises 200M at a 13B valuation to help organizations navigate online privacy rules

Our 3 favorite startups from UrbanXs 4th demo day

4 IoT Devices That Can Help Your New Business Succeed

Global Smart Augmented Reality Glasses Market Technology Trends Protection Measures 2018

How to lose money SoftBank edition

A new Senate bill would totally upend Apple and Googles app store dominance

Fitbits Chinese rival Amazfit mulls a transparent selfdisinfecting mask

Smartpark System Market Industry Outlook by Top Key Players: Amano CorporationXerox Corporation

Samsung Galaxy S10 leak shows headphone jack dual holepunch camera

Will Mobile World Congress be more of the same

Looks like some neobanks will be OK after all

FlutterFlow attracts cash for its lowcode mobile app dev platform

Runway raises 2M seed launches its air traffic control system for mobile app releases

Jolla hits profitability ahead of turning ten eyes growth beyond mobile

Pavegen which harvests energy and data from footsteps secures crowd and Hinduja Group funding

Smart Camera Market Poised for an Explosive Growth in the Near Future

Apples Watch isnt the first with an EKG reader but it will matter to more consumers

Google makes calling businesses less painful with features for seeing wait times phone tree options and more

Early Bird Rates for Additive Manufacturing Strategies 2021 End October 21st

Smart Transportation Market Till 2023 Forecast Research Report

CMUs Matt JohnsonRoberson and MITs Daniela Rus will talk highereducation at TC Sessions: Robotics 2022

Forecast and Analysis on Global Smart Homes Market 20172025 by MarketResearchReportsbiz

Global Smart Pill Boxes and Bottles Market Research analysis and Forecast 2024

Smart Cities: Expected to Witness Unprecedented Growth In Coming Years

Smartsheet beats expectations for Q3 earnings as revenue grows 53 to 715M

Sonos announces Alexacontrolled wireless speakers

Artificial Intelligence Can Be Racist Sexist and Creepy Here Are 5 Ways You Can Counter This In Your Enterprise

20212027 Education Technology and Smart Classroom Market Growth and Status Explored in a New Research Report Blackboard Educomp Solutions Adobe Scholastic Cisco

In public and private markets cloud earnings and valuations heat up

University of Michigan Provides Updates on Algorithm to Speed Up 3D Printing