Tag ~augmented

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Through crowdsourcing Cerberus Interactive wants to take locationbased gaming to the masses

Medivis has launched its augmented reality platform for surgical planning

At Lens Fest Snap debuts creations tools for more sophisticated augmented reality experiences

The state of virtual and augmented reality: Industry sees new reasons for hope amid the hype

Magic Leap files preemptive lawsuit against disgruntled security exec for alleged extortion

Snagging Pearsons AR assets and 1 million in cash GIGXR is ready for its close up

Calling all hardware startups Apply to Hardware Battlefield TC Shenzhen

Bose is carving out 50 million for startups using its new audiofocused AR tech

Forensic Architecture redeploys surveillance state tech to combat statesponsored violence

The tech industry needs to move towards responsible innovation in 2018

Edgybees raises 55M to bring better AR to cars and drones

Stockholmbased Resolution Games nabs 75M to pioneer ARVR experiences

Forensic Architecture redeploys surveillancestate tech to combat statesponsored violence

Global Augmented Reality for Advertising Market Will Hit At CAGR Of 3079 During Years 20172021

Lyft speeds ahead with its autonomous initiatives

Avataar raises 45 million to improve consumer shopping experience with lifesized 3D product evaluation

Magic Leap vets raise 35M for new virtual reality prototyping platform Torch

Snap further invests in AR Shopping with dedicated inapp feature new tools for retailers

Apple introduces iOS 12 with a smarter Siri and more augmented reality features

Anduril takes control of Microsofts 22B VR military headset program

Octi launches a social network built around augmented reality

WayRays AR incar HUD convinced me HUDs can be better

Light Field Lab raises 28 million to rethink the 3D TV

Lumus shows off the latest of its increasingly tiny augmented reality displays

Will Apple Facebook or Microsoft be the future of augmented reality

With new Fit technology Nike calls itself a tech company

Augmented realitys halfdecade of stagnation

Augmented reality finds a foothold in cars via safety features

The pandemic has probably killed VR arcades for good

Alibaba acquires Israeli VR startup Infinity Augmented Reality

Bosch is working on glassesfree 3D displays for incar use

Meet retails new sustainability strategy: Personalization

3D home design startup Modsy raises 23 million in Series B funding

Apple has acquired Spektral a Danish computer vision startup for augmented reality technology

Game studio HiDef partners with Snap to develop a Bitmoji dance social mobile game

Blippar is using AR to help customers find their way indoors

Microsoft awarded 218B Army contract to make HoloLenstype mixed reality headset for soldiers

WorldGaze uses smartphone cameras to help voice AIs cut to the chase

Global Smart Augmented Reality Glasses Market Technology Trends Protection Measures 2018

Upskill launches support for Microsoft HoloLens

MIT scientists Simulation Hypothesis makes compelling case for The Matrix

Weird Cuts is Googles new AR experiment that lets you cut out pieces of reality to make collages

3 views: Is the metaverse for work or play

Pitch Deck Teardown: WayRays 80M Series C deck

Youbionic Goes Beyond Augmented Reality to Augmented Human with New 3D Printed Double Hand Device

Los Angelesbased Talespin nabs 15 million for its extended realitybased workforce training tools

Studio216 becomes mixed reality startup Altoura raises 11M looks to build off Microsoft partnership

Indoor navigation is augmented realitys killer app Shame its so expensive though

Snap partners with Live Nation to launch AR experiences at select concerts and festivals

Chinas JDcom teams up with Intel to develop smart retail experiences