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Five questions to consider ahead of Big Techs Q3 earnings

What does selling to platform engineering teams mean for developer relations

As the economy shifts whats the best software customer

Tighter VC capital forces AI startups to face the music

HashiCorps IPO will place it among the most richly valued open source tech companies

The market for synthetic data is bigger than you think

Usagebased pricing is rising but not replacing other models

How about that 20B FigmaAdobe deal

UK regulators could be right about cloud portability obstacles

Were still just scratching the surface of the clouds potential

Developers as you know do not like to pay for things

Heres why ServiceNows stock soared in a week of dismal tech earnings reports

What does Red Hats sale to IBM tell us about Couchbases valuation

Is the modern data stack just old wine in a new bottle

Timestrapped IT teams can use lowcode software to drive quick growth

Everyones talking about tech IPOs again

Q3 IPO cycle starts strong with Couchbase pricing and Kaltura relisting

Justworks files to take its SMBfocused HRthemed SaaS business public

During a recession look to drive growth through customer retention

Why are cybersecurity asset management startups so hot right now

Whats worth more: Unicorns or the biggest US tech companies

Adobe makes 20B bet on a collaborative future with Figma acquisition

IoT data collector Samsaras IPO will be fun to watch

Here come the singledigit SaaS multiples

ARR per employee is the north star efficiency metric youve been looking for

How to ensure data quality in the era of Big Data

6 key metrics that can help SaaS startups outlast this downturn

8 IT spending trends for the postpandemic enterprise in 2022

Starboard Value goes after 3 tech companies with costcutting axe

What is this revenue growth for ants

Investors have flipped their weighting of growth versus profitability

CockroachDB the database that just wont die

Amplitudes CEO feels his company would be in a world of hurt if it hadnt gone public in 2021

The SaaS selloff is steepening

How and when to charge for adding AI to your enterprise software

Are software companies good businesses

How to cut your SaaS spending by 30 in 2023

As digital tracking wanes companies turn to online communities for direct access to customers

With a 13B valuation Celonis defies current startup economics

5 cloud trends to track in 2023

The best cloud unicorns arent as overvalued as you might think

The advertising slowdown is dinging Big Tech

The cloud stock rally could help inch open the IPO window in 2024

AI is finally resulting in real growth for big tech

Q1 2023 market map: SaaS cost optimization and management

On cloud marketplaces nobody knows youre a startup

As other startups slash spending and hoard cash Databricks hits accelerator

How one software company is beating the SaaS growth blues

Beyond cost control: Where cloud management is going next

Salesforce turmoil continues into new year as recent layoffs attest