Tag ~accessibility

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As thousands set out to hack for Microsoft book chronicles two defining projects for accessibility

Sight Tech Global 2022 agenda announced

Ava sets the example for universal live captioning and raises 10M to keep building

Quadriplegic man keeps on riding using tech to enable 475mile trip across state

MrBeasts blindness video puts systemic ableism on display

The red flag meme is a red flag for accessibility

Cognixion raises 12M to build its brainmonitoring headset for people with disabilities

How European disability tech startups are leveraging AI

Travel wheelchair Revolve Air launches on Kickstarter

Assistive technologies will be a 26 billion dollar market and investors are only now addressing it

Facebook YouTube Netflix and more get eyetracking apps from Tobii

Hailing a selfdriving taxi when blind Learn how Waymo answers that challenge at Sight Tech Global

Promovas new feature helps people with dyslexia learn a new language

Stark a hub for accessible software design launches a Mac app in beta

From AI to inclusive hiring Satya Nadella seeks further inspiration at Microsofts Ability Summit

JAWS architect Glen Gordon is joining Sight Tech Global a virtual event Dec 23

As ADA turns 30 tech is just getting started helping people with disabilities

OrCam Technologies cofounder Amnon Shashua to speak at Sight Tech Global

The Monarch could be the next big thing in Braille

These startups are making smarter canes for people with visual impairments

Why product equity has become a business imperative for the future of digital products

Leveling the playing field

Microsoft and Apple collaborate to help visually impaired people use braille displays across operating systems

For Apple this years Global Accessibility Awareness Day is all about education

May Mobility reveals prototype of a wheelchairaccessible autonomous vehicle

Soliddd is building smart glasses for people with macular degeneration

What Apples education announcements mean for accessibility

Augmental lets you control a computer and sex toys with your tongue

Explore accessibility via Amazon Alexa at Sight Tech Global 2022

GeekWire Calendar Picks: Science fiction literature biases in AI and helping businesses go global

Glasses give sight to the legally blind opening eyes to the broader potential of making tech accessible

May Mobility Via launch wheelchairaccessible autonomous shuttle service

Apples Jeff Bigham disability rights lawyer Haben Girma author Sara Hendren and more to join Sight Tech Global

Logitech accessory kit makes the Xbox Adaptive Controller even more accessible

FTC orders AI accessibility startup accessiBe to pay 1M for misleading advertising

Microsoft commits 25M to its AI for Accessibility program

Facebooks accessibility ambitions

Evinceds 55M C round will help bring its accessibility dev tools and AI to Europe

AirPods to get Live Listen feature in iOS 12

You can now use Alexa to move around inside apps like Netflix and Hulu on Fire TV Cube

Sight Tech Global is Live Join top AI technologists and accessibility innovators discuss the future of assistive tech

Microsoft invests 25M in CREATE a new center for accessible tech at the University of Washington

The robots occupying our sidewalks

17 Top 3D Printing Themes of 2017

Apple and Amazon MLAI leads to speak on accessibility at Sight Tech Global 2021

Wheel the World grabs 6M to offer guaranteed accessibility price match for hotel rooms

Fable adds cognitive and hearing impairments to its accessibility tools with 25M round

iPhone 11 Pro is the most accessible iPhone yet

How Airbnb handles discrimination claims

Amazons Echo Show can now identify household pantry items held in front of its camera