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Why Primetime Partners is betting on the ageless population

3D Printing News Briefs: April 13 2018

3D Printing News Briefs: September 14 2018

AmorePacific Introduces Customized 3D Printed Facial Mask

This tiny drone uses an actual moth antenna to sniff out target chemicals

Edtechs newest unicorn: ApplyBoard lands 14B valuation with fresh funding

New Study Explores Techniques for 3D Printing Lipstick Applicators

NonMedical Biomimetic Robots Market Expected to be the Fastest Growing Industry During 20182028 Worldwide

Snap had its best quarter in four years

Worldover is a compliance platform for cosmetic products and soon any product

Shellworks wants to crack makeups singleuse plastic problem

Chanel Turns to Industrial 3D Printing to Develop the First 3D Printed Mascara Brush

Cosmetic Implants Market Future Growth Prospects and Industry Trends Analyzed till 2025

Using Casting Graphene and SLM 3D Printing to Create Bioinspired Cilia Sensors

Global Minimally Invasive Cosmetic Market 2019 Industry Trend and Forecast 2025

3D Printing Financials: How TR BioFab is Balancing Innovation and Revenue Challenges

How a 3D Printed Mouse Robot Named NeRmo Could Change the Game of Robotics

Metigy gets 20 million AUD to making online marketing easier for SMEs

3D Printing News Briefs: October 20 2017

Geek of the Week: We crunched the numbers and data scientist Alice Zhao is worth getting to know

Startup Accelerator: FITme Revolutionizes Cosmetic Surgery with 3D Printing

Gametime lets you buy tickets for games and concerts that have already started

Pinterest launches an ARpowered Tryon experience for eyeshadow

Optical Brighteners Market Advanced technologies Global Forecast and Winning Imperatives 20182023

BASF CTIBiotech: Bioprinting Expands to the Sebaceous Glands

BMFs New Subsidiary 3D Prints BioChips for OrganonaChip Research

Meet retails new sustainability strategy: Personalization

Butlr lands new cash to put peopledetecting sensors in the office

Future Outlook of Cosmetic Surgery Market Know about How the Market Witnessed Substantial Growth in Near Future

Edtech Startup OLL Raises 30 Lakhs from Shark Tank India Judges

Medical Biomimetics Market Industry Statistics Trends Size Growth Share Demand and Forecast to 2025

3D Printing News Briefs September 23 2023: Research Awards Dental Veneers Gaming More

Festos latest bioinspired creations are a robobat and rolling robospider

NakedPoppy launches curated beauty marketplace for wellness junkies

Cosmetic Skin Care The top three revenue contributing technology segments are discussed 2018

Researchers Use Biomimicry and 3D Printing to Develop Robotic Fish

What happened to Julep: How a highprofile online beauty brand went from acquisition to bankruptcy in 2 years

This Startup Lets You Make Your Very Own Customized Cosmetics

Cosmetic surgery community RealSelf launches fellowship to send doctors abroad