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After chargeback fraud debacle Union54 CEO says fintech in Africa isnt childs play

Tembo capitalizes on the database boom and lands new cash to expand

Tech Moves: Nordstrom hires Expedia tech vet Univ of Washington names head of new clean tech center and more

ZmURL customizes Zoom link previews with images event sites

Aston Martin is finally upgrading its stale infotainment system

Untitled Ventures joins the scramble for Russian Eastern European startups with a 118M warchest

Year in pictures: Amazons amazing growth SpaceX blasts off the passing of Paul Allen and more

Swarmbiotics founders grew obsessed with robot swarms and now plan to bring them to the battlefield

Privacy assistant Jumbo raises 8 million and releases major update

3D Diplomacy: Luxembourgs Ambassador Visits Altems 3D Printing Hub in India

AARP Innovation Labs takes a holistic approach to agetech at CES

Am I as brave as I think I am MIT Media Lab student Arwa Mboya on the aftermath of a scandal

Course Hero scoops up Scribbr for subjectspecific study help

Zambian cardissuing startup Union54 raises 12M led by Tiger Global

Tech Moves: DreamBox Learning appoints 5 execs UW names new vice provost of research more

Seattle startup TomboyX raises 18M to further develop its underwear brand for all body types

Crypto asset manager Babel Finance reaches 2B valuation

DreamBox Learning raises 130M adds former US Education Secretary to board

Compounds Foods brews up 45M to make coffee without beans

TechCrunch roundup: Revisit your marketing stack pitch deck teardown after the acquisition

Workforce quit

Working Geek: DreamBoxs upbeat CEO Jessie WoolleyWilson is focused on empowering kids

7 investors discuss web3s present and peer into its future

Underwear maker TomboyX raises 43M aims to tackle lack of inclusivity in fashion industry

Expedia adds SoftBank deputy general counsel Patricia MenendezCambo to board

Permanent pivots in the pandemic: COVID creates lasting change for businesses that move quickly

Paper Embossing Machine Deep Analysis on Industrial and Deep Analysis on Industrial and Market Growth studies Global Industry Analysis Size Share Growth Trends and Forecast 2018 2025

Cowboy launches the Cowboy 4 ebike with a stepthrough version and builtin phone charger

SexTech Kobalt sales efficiency philanthropy and ethics Brexit and startup growth tactics

Bamboo launches English learning voice app for Alexa partners with TAF to help kids in need

What gives you hope Inspiration from scientists entrepreneurs and innovators on eve of historic election

Tiger Global and Greycroft back Nigerian investment app Bamboo in 15M round

What Amazon and Netflix can teach us about learning according to DreamBox Learning CEO

Luxembourgs AM 4 AM Lands 13M for 3D Printing Powder Push

One year after Planetary Resources faded into history space mining retains its appeal

Coworking Spaces of Detroit featuring Bamboo and WeWork

As learning technologies enter a heady place DreamBox CEO thinks skepticism was justified

VCs give us their predictions for startups and tech in Southeast Asia in 2019

Compound Foods brews up 45M to make coffee without beans

Zambian card issuing startup Union54 raises 12M led by Tiger Global

Waysia raises 10M to deliver Asian grocery in Europe

Augmented Intelligence claims its symbolic AI can make chatbots more useful

What gives you hope Inspiration from scientists entrepreneurs and innovators as anxious public awaits historic election results

Overheard at the GeekWire Summit day 2: Diversity empathy Alexa food tech football and more

Uganda in the spotlight as countrys startups captivate YC Google

How Amazon and Netflix can teach us about learning according to DreamBox Learning CEO

Teachers and parents want more help with school technology Microsoft and DreamBox surveys find

Leko Labs gets 21M to build greener

StartupNation Radio: Kabbage and Bamboo Detroit on COVID19 Impact

3D Printing News Briefs April 22 2021: Philips Lighting Cerambot Revotek UTHSC ENS Lyon Universit de Lorraine University of Victoria