Tag ~winklevoss

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Life after Facebook: New book Bitcoin Billionaires redeems the Winklevoss twins

The SEC has charged an a16z and Sequoiabacked crypto startup founder with fraud

SEC charges BitClout founder Nader AlNaji with fraud says proceeds paid for LA mansion gifts

Kindbody raises 15M will open a Fertility Bus with mobile testing assessments

Crusoe Energy is tackling energy use for cryptocurrencies and data centers and greenhouse gas emissions

The Winklevoss stablecoin is one small step toward crypto acceptance

Tutoring businessinabox service Clark has been acquired by edtech startup Noodle

Winklevossled Gemini announces a selfregulatory group for crypto

Gemini lays off 10 of workforce as the crypto revolution enters its contraction phase

Crypto exchange Gemini executes second round of layoffs less than two months after axing 10 of staff

The Winklevoss twins rock on