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Content Creators Rejoice: Interplanetary Broadcast Coin IPBC Launches A Free Worldwide Content Distribution Platform

What is Metrology Part 9: Machine Vision

Instagram confirms test of unskippable ads

Guiddes AI automatically generates software documentation videos

Everything you know about computer vision may soon be wrong

YouTube will remove ads and downgrade discoverability of channels posting offensive videos

This dad left Amazon to launch a startup and along the way his daughter 5 became a YouTube star

YouTube Music cracks down on rampant chart manipulation with new payforplay ban

Seahawks QB Russell Wilson officially hires videomaking college kid who became a star on Twitter

Kleiner Perkinsbacked Vylo thinks the future of news is video commentary

Common Sense Networks launches Sensical a free handcurated streaming service for kids

Here are the apps battling to be become the TikTok for Bluesky

Logitechs MX console for creatives

Sequoia Indias Surge backs AIpowered video creation platform Ganai in 52M funding

YouTube warns of increased video removals during COVID19 crisis

The StartUps Guide to Making an Explainer Video that Sells

Guidde taps AI to help create software training videos

3D Printing News Briefs: April 3 2019

QuickVid uses AI to generate shortform videos complete with voiceovers

Naverbacked Cinamon wants to make 3D video animation easier using AI

YouTube Shorts To Be On TV Screens Soon

VOCHI raises additional 24 million for its computer visionpowered video editing app

Just what would an enterprise company like Microsoft or Oracle do with TikTok

Viggle makes controllable AI characters for memes and visualizing ideas

Clipisode launches a talk show in a box

How Pitch Videos Can Help Your Startup Get Funding

How Studiotale Creates Stunning Videos Out Of Pure Love

Glovo adds a side of social stickiness to its food delivery app

Amid growing concerns around app addiction TikTok rolls out more screen tools

TikTok scores sizable Disney deal including a content hub and publisher partnership