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Geek of the Week: Vanishing Seattle creator Cynthia Brothers on why the citys loss of soul is about more than nostalgia

Mobile Marketing: How Main Street Businesses are Leveraging the Trend

The Naked Market flashes some new capital to create betterforyou food brands

5 Tips for Closing a Sales Deal

Verifiable secures 17M for its API that manages healthcare provider information

Global Agricultural Sprayers Market Size study by Type handheld selfpropelled tractormounted trailed and aerial Capacity ultralow volume low volume and high volume farm size large medium and small Technology into hydraulic nozzle spray technology hydraulic spray systems airassisted electrostatic spray technology variable rate technology vrt and others Crop cereals grains oilseeds pulses fruits vegetables and others Power Source FuelBased Electric BatteryDriven Solar Manual and Regional Forecasts 20182025

Bike rental startup Royal Brothers raises 1 Mn in pre Series A funding round from Angel investors

Meredith to buy Time with help from the Koch brothers but says they wont have any influence

GeekWire Podcast: AI that writes your emails a Seattle tech visionary trivia challenge returns

Madrona leads 26M round for OthersideAI a startup using GPT3 tech to write automated emails

Alexa von Tobel: Eliminating risk is the key to building a startup during an economic downturn

GeekWire Calendar Picks: Mothers Day tech events celebrating Seattles creativity and more

Global Indoor Farming Technology Market size study by growing system aeroponics hydroponics aquaponics soilbased and hybrid Facility type glass or poly greenhouses indoor vertical farms container farms and indoor deepwater culture DWC systems Component hardware and software services Crop Type fruits vegetables herbs microgreens flowers ornamentals and others and Regional Forecasts 20182025

Elvie raises 42M to become the goto destination for womens health

Croatias Gideon Brothers raises 31M for its 3D visionenabled autonomous warehouse robots

Meet Bobbie a baby formula delivery startup promising healthier ingredients

3D Printing News Briefs December 5 2020: CADENAS Nexa3D BCN3D Technologies

Ion Mobility Spectrometry Market Analysis Key Company Profiles Types Applications and Forecast to 2027

What Zuckerbergs money cant buy

OthersideAI raises 26M to let GPT3 write your emails for you

Brooks Sports vs Brooks Brothers: Menswear makers social slogan adds new wrinkle to dispute

Ready Player Me a platform to build dynamic crossgame avatars for virtual worlds raises 56M led by a16z