Tag ~innov

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AI pioneer Raquel Urtasun launches selfdriving technology startup with backing from Khosla Uber and Aurora

Washington state authorizes mobile fueling legislator calls it timely as residents practice social distancing

Race to the GDPR finish line: How US tech companies are preparing for Europes stringent new privacy law

Tech industrys cavalier and arrogant attitude foments backlash but started long before Trump top execs say

Teenage Prodigy Unveils World’s First Social Search Engine – And it Gives More than Search Results

Tech industry cheers GOP tax overhaul

European companies hate the EUs new AI rules heres why

Amazon bans police use of its Rekognition facial recognition software for one year amid protests

Amazon registers lobbyist in Georgia sparking rumors about Atlantas HQ2 chances

Washington ranks second in the nation in new report analyzing the most innovative states

ESA enlists European duo to develop space cargo return shuttles

WJR Business Beat with Jeff Sloan: Rocket Mortgage Classic Helps Bridge the Digital Divide Episode 251

Explaining the Intricacies of Voice Recognition Software

Crypto giant Binance sidesteps Belgium ban by redirecting users to Poland

Northwestern Mutual has carved out 150 million for another fintech and insurance investment fund

Senate abandons plan to tax stock options at vesting after backlash from the tech industry

3 carbon capture technologies youve probably never heard of

European VC deal value down 61 in first half of 2023 report finds

Privacy becomes a selling point for tech with Apple and Microsoft leading the way

Foreign entrepreneurs can apply for temporary US residency under startup visa after court win by investor group

Can tech fix Seattle Facebook Twitter and others join new innovation council amid debate over groups role

How AR and AI are Driving Innovation Amid Social Distancing

Autonomous vehicle company Aurora sells 820M worth of stock

Target of Europes space junk cleanup mission hit by more space junk

Tacoma courts Seattle tech companies and other businesses with No Head Tax Here pitch

Seattle port officials approve face recognition guardrails as feds waffle on the controversial tech

NanoSteel Wins RAPID TCT Innovation Auditions for 3D Printing Tool Steel for Powder Bed Fusion

In new book Microsoft cautions humanity to develop AI ethics guidelines now

Nano Sun Opens 3D Printing Facility to Manufacture New Water Treatment Membranes

HP Unveils CES Innovation Award Winner HP Z 3D Camera

Can Amazon really depose Trump Explaining the tech giants rare legal move in 10B cloud dispute

Meet the industry leaders shaping the content of TNW Conference 2024

Eurostar launches worlds first walkthrough biometric corridor for rail travel

Seattle mayor forms student internship program with Amazon Expedia and other employers

3D Printing Business: Inside the New Collaborative International Advanced Manufacturing 3DHUB

Impending French law threatens the free internet Mozilla warns

5 Common Obstacles to Overcome When Launching a New Product

Bill Gates: Breaking up Big Tech isnt the answer

Seattles biggest tech companies unveil 7 city projects built by controversial Innovation Council

The Diamond Project

Hong Kongs GoGoVan raises 250M from investors including Alibabas logistics subsidiary

Cathay Innovations first investment in Germany is healthcare startup Medwing

In the year of HQ2 Amazons 2018 lobbying budget ballooned to a record 142 million

5 Reasons Why Dropshipping is the Future of ECommerce

New H1B visa rules take effect April 1 changing how tech companies hire international talent

Intel to build 46B Poland chip factory in its latest EU megainvestment

Sen Warrens bold plan to break up Amazon Facebook and Google would unwind major acquisitions and thats just the beginning

How to Create a Culture of Learning Within Your Startup

Amazon singled out in both Democratic debates again

3DPOD 240: Mark Barfoot AMUG Electrochemical Polishing at Voxel Innovations