Tag ~neuroscience

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Hewlett Packard Enterprise selected to support supercomputer brain simulation

Kavli Prizes go to pioneers of gene editing neuroscience and astrochemistry

Brainspace remakes the EEG for our modern world and soon offworld

CorrActions raises 27M to help avoid errors in humanmachine interactions

Its almost like placing an IV: Brain monitoring electrode receives FDA 510k clearance

Neuroscientists finetune braintospeech translator but theres a long road ahead

Spoke launches music therapy app for Gen Z raises 15M round led by Ada Ventures

Cadence Neuroscience raises 15M for epilepsy treatment created at Mayo Clinic

Need A Better Maze For Your Behavioral Science Research Try MazeEngineers

Elon Musks Neuralink brainchip venture reportedly looks into rodent experiments

Researchers create first mindcontrolled robot arm that works well without surgery

Prime Movers Lab raises 245 million for second fund to invest in early stage science startups

Portugals Faber reaches 243M for its second fund aimed at datadriven startups from Iberia

BrainQ raises 53M to treat neurological disorders with the help of AI

This jolly little robot gets goosebumps

6 investment trends that could emerge from the COVID19 pandemic

Researchers use biometrics including data from the Oura Ring to predict COVID19 symptoms in advance

Can a wearable improve memory Humm raises 26 million so consumers can find out

MedRhythms raises 25M to get patients back in tune after a stroke

Neurobehavioral health company Blackthorn pulls in 76 million from GV to treat mental disorders

Employee talent predictor retrainai raised another 7M adds Splunk as strategic investor

Lenovo leads 10M investment in 6legged robot maker Vincross

Kernel raises 53 million for its noninvasive Neuroscience as a Service technology

This startup just raised 8 million to help busy doctors assess the cognitive health of 50 million seniors

Meet the Extreme Tech Challenge 2022 Global Finals category finalists and special award winners

Allen Institute maps out a highresolution org chart for connections in the brain

As Alzheimers costs soar startups like Neurotrack raise cash to diagnose and treat the disease

A Gen Z VC speaks up: Why Gen Z VCs are trash

Eight Sleep CEO says his startup is more than a mattress company

Meet the Extreme Tech Challenge 2022 Global Finals category and special award winners

Evolve Foundation launches a 100 million fund to find startups working to relieve human suffering

With Elon Musks help three little pigs demonstrate Neuralinks brain implant

Watch a thought race across the surface of the brain

Precision Neuroscience is making brain implants safer smarter and reversible

Researchers recreate a brain piece by piece

Loyal raises 27M aims to give dog owners more time with their pets