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3 methods for valuing prerevenue novel AI startups

To buy time for a failing startup recreate the engineering process

Billiondollar B2B: cloudfirst enterprise tech behemoths have massive potential

DIY: 5 ways disruptive component startups can win over OEMs

Design and implement a content governance system to increase ROI

The responsibilities of AIfirst investors

5 areas where VCs can play an outsized role in addressing climate change

Factors to consider before pricing AIenabled SaaS

Demand Curve: How Ahrefs homepage educates prospects to purchase

Dear Sophie: When can I register my employee for the H1B lottery

What am I worth now

4 startup fundamentals to help avoid epic product fails

Is the modern data stack just old wine in a new bottle

Cold outreach with a warm touch: Heres the fast pitch we emailed to investors

5 methods for leveraging digital advertising during a downturn

4 trends that will define ecommerce in 2022

9 strategies that will help you overcome your fear of fundraising

Ask Sophie: Whats the wait time for EB2 and EB1 green card categories for those born in India

Here are 3 things you should do with your stock options

The tech industry needs a labor movement

Dear Sophie: How can I transfer my H1B to my new startup in 2023

This is the beginning of the unbundled database era

How I went from a college dorm brainstorm to leading edtech

How global unrest will impact innovation in 2023

Dear Sophie: How can I stay in the US if Ive been laid off

Selling into the enterprise: How Slack and other startups get it wrong

Dear Sophie: Should we look to Canada to retain international talent

5 questions startups should consider before making their first marketing hire

How to calculate your startups TAM SAM and SOM

Private equity is ready to take MSP consolidation to the next level

The subscription pie is getting bigger: How to leverage usagebased billing

Which form of venture debt should your startup go for

Carve out a place for your brand with a positioning statement

How to effectively manage a remote team during wartime

To win insurtech 20 focus on underwriting before growth

Can your startup support a researchbased workflow

9 ways founders can bring automation to healthcare

5 questions emerging managers should ask before selecting LPs

4 tips to find the funding that fits your business

5 companies doing growth marketing right

Enterprise spending on cybersecurity has changed and vendors must adapt

Conversational UX: The missing piece in your chatbot strategy

A blueprint for building a great startup founding team

How to break into Silicon Valley as an outsider

Will Twitter PayPal and Walmart compete to launch Americas super app

What the CHIPS and Science Act means for the future of the semiconductor industry

A timeline for startup MA processes: Key steps and factors to consider

How to build a sales development representative strategy that will fill your B2B pipeline

Meet retails new sustainability strategy: Personalization

After 30 years Crossing the Chasm is due for a refresh