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Getting more people to open your emails

Snap further invests in AR Shopping with dedicated inapp feature new tools for retailers

China: Case for the Mass Customization of 3D Printed Martial Arts Shoes

A Golf Club Par Excellence: Cobra Uses HP Metal Jet to 3D Print Next Gen Putter

How to get people to open your emails

Tictrac secures 75M to expand employee wellbeing platform as WFH balloons

How to work with top influencers and avoid ad blockers

Sneaker fit startup Neatsyai gets 1M seed after b2b pivot

Pockit an allinone financial services app for UK consumers lands 10M

How to get your ads working and whether PR is worth it

Whats the right way to sponsor a YouTube influencer

3D Printing News Briefs July 24 2021: GoProto Parmatech 3DEO MPIF 6K Chris Borge 3DQue ORNL

Why Puma is sticking to its web3 bets as crypto shakes off a longheld winter