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Planted raises another 18M to expand its growing plantbased meat empire and add schnitzel

Protein Expression Market to 2025 GenScript Merck KGaA Thermo Fisher Scientific Agilent Technologies Takara Bio

Alphabets DeepMind achieves historic new milestone in AIbased protein structure prediction

Higher egg prices yield demand for alternatives

How a hamburger and milkshake from Dicks DriveIn led to a breakthrough for this biotech startup

Arzeda is using AI to design proteins for artificial sweeteners and more

Founded by an Impossible Foods and Google data scientist Climax Foods raises 75 million to tackle the cheesiest market

Meet the Finnish biotech startup bringing a long lost mycoprotein to your plate

Cambrium aims to oneup nature with designer proteins that scale sustainably

AAlpha Bio wins 620000 grant to work on molecular glue for treating disease

Brazils Future Farm rakes in 58M to sell more plantbased meat and dairy

Rem3dy Health Group Raises 11M in Financing Focusing on 3D Printed Protein Bars

Protein Bars Market 2018 Global Industry Chain Structure Regional Overview Cost Structure Analysis

Dual Specificity Mitogen Activated Protein Kinase Kinase 2 Market to Record Ascending Growth by 2022

Global Protein Supplements Industry Report 2018 Potential Growth Share Demand And Forecast till 2025

Mushroom protein company Meati Foods opens mega facility closes 22M in new funding

Cutting out carbon emitters with bioengineering at XTC Global Finals on July 22

Solar Foods wants to replace industrial animal farming with a hightech protein harvest

Even after 16B in VC money the labgrown meat industry is facing massive issues

Planted raises another 21M to expand its growing plantbased meat empire and add schnitzel

Chinese startups rush to bring alternative protein to peoples plates

GeekWire Awards 2021: Learn about the 5 finalists for Innovation of the Year

Algal Protein Market Market Emerging Trends and Top Key Players to Watch Nutress BV Nutrex Hawaii Cyanotech Corporation Far East BioTec in 20182028

Upp wants to add more broccoli to the plantprotein mix using big automation

Animalfree egg protein startup Onego Bio is one step closer to cracking the traditional egg market

Brevel sprouts 185M to develop microalgaebased alternative proteins

Univ of Washington spinout Icosavax raises 51M to fight viruses with computerdesigned vaccines

Pacifico Biolabs emerges from stealth with fermentation process for alternative seafood

Microsoft open sources EvoDiff a novel proteingenerating AI

Protein Crystallization and Crystallography Market Evaluating Political Economic Social and Technological Factors Effecting the Market in Various Regions

Heuras plantbased chicken hits UK shops

Australias v2Food aims to expand its plantbased meats to Europe and Asia with 45M raise

Chunk Foods secures funding Latin America deal for plantbased whole cuts

Tierra Biosciences nabs 11M to create new AIguided proteins

AAlpha Bio raises 28M for genetically engineered drug discovery platform

Protein Assay Market Running at CAGR at 108 by 2023 By Product and Type as CopperIonBased Test StripBased DyeBinding Based and Forecast

Animal Alternative makes a platform play in the growing market of cultured meat

Manifold Bios molecular barcodes could break through pharmas in vivo bottleneck

Protein Expression Market to 2025 GenScript Merck KGaA Thermo Fisher Scientific Agilent Technologies Takara Bio BioRad Laboratories QIAGEN

Glycoprotein Market Size Trends Analysis Demand Outlook and Forecast to 2024

Singaporebased Good Startup raises 34M fund to invest in alternative protein companies

Protein design and physics earn UW professors a pair of prestigious Breakthrough Prizes

Market Share Future Growth with forecasts of Global Native Whey Protein Ingredients Planet Market Reports

VCs remain confident alternative protein has a real future despite publicmarket woes

Plantbased meat startup Tender has already nabbed a fastfood chain contract and another 11M

Microsoft gives 5M to UW Medicine to use AI to accelerate response to next pandemic

Juicy Marbles gets 45M to sizzle up plantbased steaks

Worlds Largest Food 3D Printing Factory to Make 60 Tonnes of Faux Filet Monthly

Protein Assay Market: Leading edge technology with the very best in speed and reliability giving you the competitive edge

Planetarians grabs 6M to get its plantbased protein into foodservice orbit