Tag ~neura

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Watch NASAs stunning new panorama of the Martian landscape

Building a virtual Earth could be the key for clean energy

Everything you need to know about neuromorphic computing

Why the dream of truly driverless cars is slowly dying

6 big data blunders businesses should avoid

3 ways nextgen academics can avoid an unnecessary AI winter

The 4 biggest science breakthroughs that Gen Z could live to see

Scientist says we havent found ET yet because were doomed to destroy all life

Watch a Trump clone investigate deepfakes in a new show from the creators of South Park

3D Printing News Unpeeled: A Drone in a Drone Soft Magnetic Motors

Chinas Wu Dao AI is 10X bigger than GPT3 and it can sing

The most mindblowing Neural stories of 2022

Neuralinks breakthrough device clearance from FDA does not mean it has cured blindness

The US Army is developing a nightmarish thermal facial recognition system

Neural Magic gets 15M seed to run machine learning models on commodity CPUs

What winemaking has taught me about artificial intelligence

Entrepreneurs must warm up to AI or risk their own AlphaGo loss

Everything you need to know about facial recognition in Australia

Meet Orwell Russias cute and totally not sinister new facial recognition system for kids

Physicists think weve detected the dark energy ripping our universe apart

Elon Musk claims his brain chip can stimulate your pleasure center

This Ukrainian deep tech startup has trained an AI to paint war art

New MLbased console cheat puts the AI in aim assist

Exclusive: John Deere closes in on fully autonomous farming with its latest AI acquisition

Why NASA chose goldplated mirrors for the James Webb telescope

Your vegetables are going to be picked by robots sooner than you think

NASA wants the auto industry to build its next Moon rover

US surveillance company Palantir nabs 1M UK COVID19 project

A closer look at the AI Incident Database of machine learning failures

This app is helping reunite dogs with their owners using AI

A critical review of the EUs Ethics Guidelines for Trustworthy AI

Researchers lay the groundwork for an AI hive mind

Sonys working on an AI that can play games for you Heres a better idea

AIs true purpose is freeing up humans to find the biggest problems

NASA wants to control the conversation around the search for ET

How automation could turn capitalism into socialism

At just 22MB Googles new speech filtering tech is perfect for mobile apps

The AI stories that made us smile in 2021 and 5 that made us cry

Watch NASAs autonomous helicopter take its first flight on Mars

Neuralinks breakthrough device clearance from FDA does not mean they have cured blindness

Healthcare by 2028 will be doctordirected patientowned and powered by visual technologies

New superstring theory says black holes may be portals to other universes

Sorry former Pentagon expert but China is nowhere near winning the AI race

Heres why AI didnt save us from COVID19

This stancedetecting AI will help us factcheck fake news

China says it has a quantum computer a million times more powerful than Googles

Researchers use AI to determine which face masks work best for COVID19

This robotic basketball hoop makes any klutz shoot like Michael Jordan

Microsoft partners with GM to make selfdriving cars a reality

AIpowered ship sets sail for sea trials and environmental research missions