Tag ~metoo

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Activist group wants Code Conference to show solidarity with silence breaker

Most nonmale tech workers in Seattle experience harassment but few report it new study finds

Lively raises 65M to bring its comfortable and inclusive lingerie to brickandmortar stores

Y Combinator survey confirms what we already know female founders are too often victims of sexual harassment

Zillow CEO invests in tools that help employees anonymously report sexual harassment

Gender race and social change in tech Moira Weigel on the Internet of Women Part Two

What tech tycoon Richard Lius sexual misconduct case means for Chinas MeToo

China roundup: Alibabas sexual assault scandal and more delayed IPOs

Tech in 2017: Crazy troubled and out of control

Spotify eBay set standard for fertility benefits study finds

Former spouses allegations against Portland startup CEO ripple through tech community

Melinda Gates says VC firms are leaving money on the table by not investing in womenled businesses

On the Internet of Women with Moira Weigel

GeekWire Calendar Picks: Celebrate female entrepreneurs Laser tag happy hour and more

Most women in Seattle tech industry experience harassment but few report it new study finds

National Academies call for systemwide steps to fight sexual harassment in science