Tag ~opeds

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Tier scoots off with 200M allequity first close of Series D

How top VCs view the new future of micromobility

Revel founder Frank Reig a year later on driving EV adoption in big cities

Startups and investors are turning to micromobility subscriptions

Berlins GetHenry breaks into lastmile delivery ebike scene with 174M seed

Electric moped startup Revel returns to New York with helmet selfie other inapp safety features

Revel pulls electric mopeds after failing to make a dent in Austins car culture

Porsche and Yamaha invest 375M in emicromobility dealership Ridepanda

The Silver Lining on 3D Printings Current Market Situation

Wunder Mobilitys new lending business helps micromobility startups finance fleets

Movo grabs 225M to get more cities in LatAm scooting

Dutch startup Go Sharing raises 60M to expand beyond emopeds and into new markets

Revel turns to software to keep its emoped fleet powered without straining NYCs grid