Tag ~arthur

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When I Work a messaging app that lets shiftbased teams schedule work and more raises 200M

Arthur releases open source tool to help companies find the best LLM for a job

Gamitee becomes Joyned as it secures 4M for social shopping platform

Arthurai snags 15M Series A to grow machine learning monitoring tool

3D Printing News Briefs: January 12 2018

Dutch startup hub Utrecht emerges from Amsterdams shadow

Payroll Integrations grabs 20M to build employee financial wellness tools

Arthurai machine learning monitoring gathers steam with 42M investment

DNSFilter secures 30M Series A to step up fight against DNSbased threats

When I Work an messaging app that lets shiftbased teams schedule work and more raises 200M

Interview with Sarah OShell on the Circular Economy

Arthur announces 33M seed to monitor machine learning model performance

Zm Rails takes in first capital to launch new bankingasaservice FedNow offerings

Zartico secures 20M to help tourism offices promote local destinations