Tag ~kirkland

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QA: Googles Seattlearea engineering leader an Amazon vet on big growth and remote work

Topgolf arrives in Seattle area with hightech indoor Lounge by Topgolf concept at new Google building

QA: Googles Seattlearea engineering leader an Amazon vet on big growth remote work and more

Waymo releases a selfdriving open data set for free use by the research community

From prison to Google: Seattle software engineer found hope working in a computer lab behind bars

After putting down roots near Amazon HQ burger chain Shake Shack to open location east of Seattle

Google expands Seattlearea footprint with huge office lease at new Kirkland Urban development

Waymo is creating 3D maps of Los Angeles to better understand traffic congestion

Seattle region ranks No 1 in US for tech office space leases as 14 big deals help eclipse Bay Area

Google buys more land in Kirkland as its Seattlearea workforce nears 6000 employees

Google expands Seattlearea footprint with huge office purchase at new Kirkland Urban development

Google to begin opening some Seattlearea offices for optional inperson work starting April 20

Topgolf arrives in Seattle area with hightech indoor Topgolf Lounge concept at new Google building