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Listen to this AI spit out brutal death metal nonstop

This tech festival is implanting microchips instead of using tickets

You can buy celebrities with Ethereum now

No more warnings: Motorists in Washington state will now be ticketed under distracted driving law

The Mars Rovers Soundcloud is lit

Verizon inexplicably lacks the wine option for Bixby Vision on Samsungs S8 and Note 8

I got into a creepy fight with an AI assistant

Three weird streaming services you should check out once your Netflix trial is over

What Miley Cyrus birthday tweet to her hubby has to do with EUs upcoming Copyright Reform

Watch this AI cop car fight an AI Jeep

Watch this adorable robot dog dance then try not to picture it attacking you

Im loving the new Rocksmith beta but definitely not uninstalling RS2014 yet

Good internet things brought to you by new media artist Omayeli Arenyeka

How quarantine cinema can save us all from Hollywood and YouTubes bullshit

We asked people to draw cyber crime and were worried about them

HO IDA GUID: May the Fourth

Review: Sun Haven is an adorable farming sim for fantasy fans

This creepy thought experiment about a serpent king brought Grimes and Elon Musk together

Here are the 11 femaleled podcasts you should be listening to

The Amsterdam Pirate Party is using its leaders penis to promote privacy

Super Mario Bros 3 the greatest game ever just turned 30

Tumblrs Head of Culture and Fashion shares the platforms most curious subcultures

Test your fake British or American accent with this AI

HO IDA GUID: How to spend your money on Star Wars day May the Fourth

A look at Facebookcoms homepage over the last 15 years

This web app shows the power of Lightning Network and a lot of dicks

Smartphonecontrolled paper airplanes prove everything is better with Bluetooth

We ranked Googles new search icons by how evil they look

A critical review of Star Wars AI

Heres all the proof you need that robots are too weird to take over the world

A QA with Roland CEO Junichi Miki on innovation Waku Waku and sleeping musicians

This hightech pillow lulled me into the trippiest sleep of my life

This Sony patent could mean the PlayStation 5 will actually be the PlayStation V

Can you gamify love

Oxford English Dictionary adds Ransomware EULA and 1000 other new words

Microsoft announces xCloud support for Game Pass games coming in 2020

These gadgets are all you need to be a professional ghost hunter

7 lessons we learned from our yearlong newsletter experiment

TNWs Big Spam: Were here to ruin your childhood

We DMd a lot of strangers to ask why they use Drake lyrics on Instagram

OMG someone made a robot that legit transforms into a car

Giant robot fighting is finally here as America and Japan do battle

Native Instruments new Soundscom is a musicmakers wet dream

The cast of Community returns But just for a table read on YouTube

Finally Someone made a motorbike that looks exactly like a desk

AI creates the perfectish Nike commercial after studying 7 years of ads

The Outer World will satiate your need for characterdriven RPG experience

Pro baseball league uses AI umpire for the first time coach gets ejected for arguing with it

Hey Siri have a happy birthday and remind me to take out the trash tonight

AC repair tech claims they found a missile in a server room