Tag ~insect

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Livin Farms investors are betting 58M on powdered fly larvae

Beetle juiced: UW researchers build tiny robotic camera that can attach to the back of an insect

Insect farming startup raises cash builds North Americas largest mealworm facility east of Seattle

Earwig Wings Inspire Researchers to 3D Print Multimaterial SelfFolding Origami Elements

Forget software bugs this startup is focused on insects that could change the agriculture industry

Cera Alba Market Advance Study and Latest Study Report 2019

Smellicopter takes flight at UW with moth antenna on drone to fly toward smells and avoid obstacles

Washington state tracks down another Asian giant hornet nest with plans to eradicate it soon

Beta Hatch raises 93M as startup builds facility east of Seattle to scale up insectgrowing operation

Insectsasfeed startup Beta Hatch raises another 10M as it builds out the future of farming

The fight against murder hornets: Kevlar thread to tie on trackers thick foam suits to prevent stings

MeliBios honey production minus the bee will have you buzzing

Seattle insect farmers Beta Hatch win 135K conference prize as they look to move and scale

Geek of the Week: UWs Vikram Iyer uses small insects to tackle big wireless computing problems

Insectgrowing startup Beta Hatch raises 3M to further innovate and build giant new facility

Entocycle grabs 5 million for its insect breeding technology

Using radio trackers scientists locate murder hornet nest in Washington state first ever in US

UW researcher put tiny tracking technology on giant hornets to help state deal with murderous pest

Insect farming startup raises 93M builds North Americas largest mealworm facility east of Seattle