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Tech Moves: Blockchain game lands former Wizards of the Coast exec Brotman Baty Institute names board

BharatPe Hires 3 Major Executives

Selling a startup in an acquihire is more lucrative than it seems founders and VCs say

The Art of Firing: How to Let Someone From Your Company Go

Tech Moves: Google cloud vet returns to Microsoft ExAvalara president joins Tango Card board Suplari soaks up talent and more

Fastgrowing livestream shopping platform Whatnot acquires Pastel Labs hires VP of engineering

Five months after Microsoft hired its founders Inflection adds usage caps to Pi

Online hardware store BuildDirect brings in new leadership as it refocuses on pros

HireSweet helps employers find candidates that arent actively looking to change jobs

HireSureai Bags Funds of 25M in a Seed Funding Round

HireSweet monitors Github and Stack Overflow to recommend you your next engineer