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Venezuela will use its shady oilbacked cryptocurrency to fund housing for homeless

You can now play Pokmon on the blockchain

Deloittes tips on coming up with viable blockchain use cases

KPMG survey: 67 of corporates are not using blockchain technology

15 hedge fund managers earned 12B last year thanks to bullish tech stocks

Elon Musk and Jack Dorsey are right to raise concerns about Web3

Cryptocurrency startup NEM discloses layoffs and wasteful budget

Airbnb to be bigger than eBay after its longawaited IPO

You can successfully hack a 2B cryptocurrency network with only 15M

Squid Game More like Scam Game: A roundup

Cryptocurrency exit scams have conned people out of almost 100M

The EU is hosting an AMA on the future of cryptocurrency and blockchain

Bitcoin has seen 44 forks since Bitcoin Cash and they are all useless

Xilinx stock goes up AMD stock goes down after 35B buyout

Moonday Mornings: Binance to give KYC hack victims VIP accounts

Cryptocurrency scammers target schools hospitals government offices with bomb threats

Ford drives cobalt supply chain transparency with IBM blockchain

US: Allow tech giants to opt out of new global tax scheme or face tariffs

Heres why Bitcoins blockchain has blocks that go over the 1MB limit

A look inside the 1B internet fund thats beating the market by more than 200

Inside NEOs plans to get Microsoft NET devs to build apps on its blockchain

Ugandan cryptocurrency startup promises jobs steals employees money instead

Alibaba to pump 28 billion into cloud computing to handle coronavirus traffic

4 things that concern Vitalik Buterin about moving Ethereum to ProofofStake

Steam removes controversial game accused of mining cryptocurrency

Facebook relaxes its ban on some cryptocurrency advertisements

TikTok owner ByteDance is reportedly aiming for a Hong Kong IPO next year

TicketMaster discovers blockchain buys Ethereumpowered app

Binance announces 1 billion fund for blockchain and cryptocurrency startups

Heres why farmers and blockchain are actually a great fit

Heres the difference between blockchain and distributed ledger technology

Anonymous supposedly resurfaces to donate 75M in Bitcoin to privacy tech

Blockchain startups are selling visions of the future not technology

This startup is building a toolkit for NFT projects to easily launch their own coin

India considers outlawing cryptocurrency use but blockchain is still cool

Twitters Bitcoin scam hack wiped 1B from its market value

Zuckerberg sold 280M worth of Facebook stock in the past month

Belgium warns citizens against these 99 cryptocurrency scam sites

Cryptokitties had a glitch that allowed for unlimited automatic likes

Threatened much Bank industry expected to invest a metric fuckton of cash in blockchain

The Cryptos is a witty comic strip that pokes fun at cryptocurrencies

Bitmain forced to shut down Israel operations due to cryptocurrency bear market

HTC is launching a blockchainpowered phone

GDPR laws force promising blockchain service to shut down

Blockchain is the fastest growing skill in Singapore says LinkedIn

5 key factors to consider before starting a cryptocurrency startup

Experts throw shade on Australias 750M investment in IBM blockchain tech

NY watchdog attacks Twitter over jarringly easy Bitcoin scam hack

The USChina Association of Commerce site is running cryptocurrency mining malware

SEC: Crypto entrepreneur illegally raised 42M spent funds on dating and rent