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Your startup cant beat Goliaths with tech youll need empathy and vision

The opensource Contributor Covenant is now managed by the Organization for Ethical Source

Blockchain and VR lead a new conversation in tech

Tech Ceviche: Why Peru has all the ingredients for a healthy startup ecosystem

Falling behind the trends 12 ways to successfully adapt and catch up

Why the blockchain revolution will accelerate in 2018

2018s political mess is a boon for VR escapism in 2019

Foldable phones are a gimmick that wont last Heres why

How Digital Sight Will Change The Smart Home Forever

Why smart contracts and blockchains are coming sooner than you think

Why CEOs that say no are good for growth

3 simple rules venture capitalist Guy Kawasaki gave me for running a startup

This is what a technology skillset looks like

Alexas creepy laugh is just the beginning of bigger problems in our IoT future

Tech stocks are overvalued and its killing innovation

You should be excited about 5G because its both fast and cool

Going offline: Old school advertising and networking strategies you should actually adopt

How technology can help you and your kids long as you let it

Too many investors become a no machine heres how to avoid it

Why we shouldnt teach girls to code

Cryptocurrency: Yay or Nay

January in Africa: Internet shutdowns Uber Lite and massive funding

Is voice search set to become the next frontier

How emerging companies can overcome ICO challenges

Heres how improv can make your business better

I dismantled Googles tracking systems heres what happened

Heres how face recognition tech can be GDPR compliant

The integral role of hybrid cloud and multicloud computing models for enterprises

The 5 most important SEO trends to watch in 2018

Insurance firms need to worry about social media

A female Chinese entrepreneurs take on USChina business differences

Hooking up brains to machines could be the next big thing for gaming

How esports is disrupting the sports industry

EU copyright reform will penalize sports fans

The SCIC and the Blockchain pave the way to a new era

My lovehate relationship with technology

Blockchain can lead to less greedy companies seriously

Why personalization is the key to longterm health

An entrepreneurs guide to Chihuahua Mexicos tech scene

Five impactful edu tech trends in 2017

5 challenges to founding a startup and how to overcome them

Did Google stop domain fronting as a censorship move

Why data privacy is hot and machine learning is not

Struggling to elevate your programming Try mastering these two mindsets

November in Africa: Facebooks launch Black Friday frenzy and loads of acquisitions

8 ways tech will change the way you search online

Innovations in fantasy sports keep the dream alive

Why the innovation race is getting automated

12 mistakes to avoid when funding a startup

Is automation leaving women and minorities behind