Tag ~spokane

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Startup backed by exNBA players raises cash for realtime high school sports scoring app

Life sciences startups in Eastern Washington find a welcoming ecosystem away from big cities

How this startup vet plans to create a onestop shop for entrepreneurs in Eastern Washington

Remitly opens 2nd US office in Spokane 300 miles east of Seattle HQ

Medcurity raises cash to be the TurboTax for federal healthcare law compliance

GeekWire Calendar Picks: AI and faith a LEGO convention advice for hardware startups and more

Solace app helps transgender people map and follow the journey through gender transition

Health tech startup Medcurity adds 200K in funding with plans to hire and expand training

Washington State U launches Spinout Space in Spokane incubator for life sciences startups

On the other side of the state Spokanes tech scene capitalizes on Seattle squeeze